Why CSE at GB

views October 3, 2018

The 4 years B. Sc (Honours) degree program in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) was established in the year 2002. In the era of present globalization, there is an immense importance of study of the CSE. Realizing its significance in Bangladesh, the Gono Bishwabidyalay authority opened the department of CSE along with its existing disciplines. So far 14 batches of students have been admitted in this Department and 7 batches of them have graduated successfully. Importance of the study of Computer Science and Engineering: In the present world, information technology is being applied in all aspects of life including jobs, businesses, economics and social processes. Like many other developing nations, the benefits of Information Technology in Bangladesh needs to be further extended. The demand and importance of the Computer Science and Engineers are highest for the implementation of “Digital Bangladesh” as proposed by the government.

Vision of the CSE Department:

  • To produce standard and competent computer scientists and engineers.
  • To help playing significant role of information technology at home and abroad.
  • To provide comprehensive learning of CSE with updated syllabus.
  • To enrich knowledge with theoretical concepts and practical applications.
  • To ensure the use of modern well-equipped computer, electronics and micro-processor laboratory.
  • To provide all time internet facilities.
  • To ensure the use of sciences for the welfare of human kind.