
Md. Ekhlas Uddin

Senior Lecturer

Qualification: M.Sc. (IU), PhD Fellow (JU)

Mobile: +880-1531-994311


Working Experiences:

  1. I have worked for one year on Isolation, Identification, Purification, and characterization of Bacterial Strains for better production of industrially important enzymes for Tannery use under a Project in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular biology, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  2. I have also worked for 4 years as an Analytical Chemist in Bureau Veritas Consumer Product Services (BD) Ltd, DEPZ, Savar, Dhaka,
  3. I have worked for one year as a QC Officer and Microbiologist in Ziska Pharma Ltd, Gazipur, Bangladesh.

Conference/Seminar Attended:

  1. Symposium on Arsenic toxicity and bioremediation, Bangladesh Perspectives, Islamic University, Kushtia, Bangladesh, 11 November 2011.
  2. Seminar on Metabolic Syndrome and Nutrition, Venue: PHA auditorium, Gonoshastaya Kendra, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 28 July 2012.
  3. National Convention and the scientific session on the improvement of health and socioeconomic status in the peoples of rural areas in Bangladesh, January 25, 2015
  4. Seminar on Development of waste recycle and management system in Bangladesh, June 15, 2016
  5. Workshop and Seminar on “Teaching Planning, Learning Assessment and Curriculum” and “Pedagogy and Professional Ethics.” 19-26 August 2017.
  6. Seminar on “Innovative Solutions on Molecular, Protein & Cell Biology.” Hotel Radisson Blu Dhaka Water Garden, 12 February 2018.
  7. National Seminar on “Food Safety and Biotechnology: Bangladesh Perspectives” Zahir Raihan auditorium, JU, Savar, Dhaka, 2019.
  1. Jakaria Al-Mujahidy SM, Ikeo K, Saito K, Uddin ME, Ibn Sina AA. 2024. Functional genomic analysis of the isolated potential probiotic Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. indicus TY-11 and its comparison with other L. delbrueckii strains. Microbiol Spectr. (ASM), 12: e03470-23.
  2. Yousuf, M.; Saikat, A.S.M.; Uddin M.E. (2023). Computational Approaches for Molecular Characterization and Functional Annotation of an Uncharacterized Protein of Vibrio cholerae Applying Bioinformatics Tools and Databases. Eng. Proc. (MDPI), 37, 1-6.
  3. Uddin ME, Sultana S, Lima A, Imran MAS, Rubaiyath-Bin-Rahman ANM, and Mahmud S. (2022). Non-biotech student’s perception of biotechnology and its applications in a university theology faculty student’s: a brief survey study. Int. J. Agric. Vet. Sci., 4(6), 116-129.
  4. Saikat, A.S.M.; Uddin M.E.; Ahmad, T.; Mahmud, S.; Imran, M.A.S.; Ahmed, S.; Alyami, S.A.; Moni M.A. (2021). Structural and functional elucidation of IF-3 protein of Chloroflexus aurantiacus involved in protein biosynthesis: an in silico approach, BioMed Research International2021, Article ID 9050026, pp. 1-10.
  5. Abedin MZ, Sifat Uz Zaman M, Ahmad T, Maruf MAA, Aktar MB, Ahmed MF, Imran MAS, Hasan R, Akter P, and Uddin ME. (2021). Analysis of the Dengue infection, occurrence and hematological profile of Dengue patients in Dhaka city, European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine8(3), 1572-1574.
  6. Abu Saim Mohammad Saikat, Shahriar Mahmud, Md. Rasel Hossain, Md. Abu Sayeed Imran, Rabiul Islam, Md. Zakerin Abedin, and Md. Ekhlas Uddin, (2020). Anticipation of Natural Honey in Fighting against Novel Corona-virus: Pharmacologic and Therapeutical study, Journal of Natural Remedies21(8), 142-149.
  7. Abedin MZ, Aktar MB, Zaman MSU, Jarin L, Miah MAS, Uddin ME, Ahmed AA, et al. Predominance of nosocomial pathogens among patients with postoperative wound infections and evaluation of the antibiotic susceptibility patterns in rural hospitals in Bangladesh. Recent Adv Biol Med. 2020; 6(4): 9800005.
  8. Saikat, A.S.M.; Islam, R.; Mahmud, S.; Imran, M..A.S.; Alam, M.S.; Masud, M.H.; Uddin, M..E. (2020). Structural and Functional Annotation of Uncharacterized Protein NCGM946K2_146 of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis: An In-Silico Approach. Proceedings (MDPI), 1st International Electronic Conference on Microbiology66(1), 13.
  9. Abedin MZ, Aktar MB, SifatUz Zaman M, Hasan R, Jarin L, Karim MR, Rahman MS, Islam R, Uddin M. E. (2020). Occurrence and antimicrobial susceptibility profiling of bacteria isolated from cultured Pangas Catfish (Pangasius pangasius) and Climbing Perch (Anabas testudineus) Fishes. J Marine Biol Aquacult6(1): 7-12.
  10. R. Islam, A. Parvin, M. A. S. Imran, R. K. Sarker, M. E. Uddin, M. S. Alam, M. Z. Abedin, Assessment of the Effects of Genetically Modified (GM) Foods: A Brief Study on Health and Environmental Concerns, Journal of Material and Environmental Sciences11(10): 1676-1688, 2020.
  11. Mohammad Zakerin Abedin, Mohammad Omar Faruque, Md. Sifat Uz Zaman, Rehnuma Nasim, Rubait Hasan, Laila Jarin, Rabiul Islam, and Md. Ekhlas Uddin, (2020). Prevalence and in vitro antibiogram patterns of urinary tract pathogens in rural hospitals in Bangladesh, Journal of Chemical, Biological, and Physical Sciences10(3), 401-409.
  12. Rabiul Islam, Md. Abu Sayeed Imran, Md. Golam Mosaib, Md. Ekhlas Uddin, Shahriar Mahmud, Shaharuq Nahid Sohana, and Md. Firoz Alam, (2020). “Isolation, identification, and characterization of Rhizobium species from the soil of Cicer arietinum field of Faridpur in Bangladesh,” International Journal of Current Research12(4), 10322-10325.
  13. Rabiul Islam, Md. Nur Hossain, Md. Khasrul Alam, Md. Ekhlas Uddin, Mehadi Hasan Rony, Md. Abu Sayeed Imran. (2020). Antibacterial Activity of Lactic Acid Bacteria and Extraction of Bacteriocin Protein. Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology11(2), 49-59.
  14. Rony MH, Imran MAS, Uddin ME, and Mahmood MS. (2020). Antibacterial Activity of Organic Extract of Cassis Obtusifolia Leaf on Selected Pathogens, Journal of Gono Bishwabidyalay, 3(1&2), 11-22.
  15. Sharif IH, Tamanna S, Mosaib MG, Tamanna N, Haque MA, Jamal MAHM, and Uddin ME. (2019) Assessment and Biomonitoring of the Effect of Rapeseeds Oil on Wister Rat Organs. American J. of Pure and Applied Biosciences1(4), 20-29.
  16. Shahen MZ, Mahmud S, Rony MH, Sohana SN, Imran MAS, Al Maruf MA, Azim MAA, Islam MM, Islam MR, Uddin ME, and Alam MS. Effect of Antibiotic Susceptibility and Inhibitory Activity for the Control of Growth and Survival of Microorganisms of Extracts of Calendula officinalis. Europ. J. of Med. and Health Sci. 1(1), 1-9, 2019.
  17. Rahman MA, Haque A, Ahmad T, Mahmud S, Sohana SN, Hossain MR, Barman NC, Badiruzzaman M, Hossain T, Uddin ME, and Ahmed R. Isolation, Identification, and Antibiotic Sensitivity Pattern of Salmonella spp from Locally Isolated Egg Samples. Amer. J. of Pure and Appl. Biosci. 1(1), 1-11, 2019.
  18. Happy A. H., M. G. Alam, S. Mahmud, M. A. S. Imran, M. H. Rony, M. A. A. Azim, M. M. Islam, A. Roy, S. Das, M. R. Ahmed, M. E. Uddin. Isolation, Identification & Characterization of Gram-Negative Bacteria from Popular Street Food (Chotpoti) at Savar Area, Dhaka, Bangladesh.  Open Access Library Journal5, e4986, 2018.
  19. Mondol GC, Alam MG, Ahmad T, Rony MH, Moniruzzaman M, Ahmed F, Zuhora FT, Akter A, Das S, Rahman S, Haque MB, Ali MU, Hossain MA and Uddin ME. Prevalence of Antibiotic-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Among Patients who come to Seek Treatment in a Hospital of Bangladesh.  Clinical Biotechnology and Microbiology2(5), 451- 455, 2018.
  20. Uddin ME., Uddin M. N., Ray S. K., Shilpi. D., Das. S., Jahan M. S., Islam M. S., Rahman M. and Haque M. N. Proteases produced by Bacillus subtilis isolated from local soil of Bangladesh: For various industrial and environmental applications. Romanian Archives of  Microbiology and Immunology76(4), 157-164, 2017.
  21. Ahmad T, Uddin ME, Alam MK, Moniruzzaman M, Saha B, Sufian A, Alam M. G, Hossain I. Evaluation of Microbial and Physiochemical Properties of Three Selected Lakes Water in Dhaka City, Bangladesh. Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences6(2): 230-238, 2018.
  22. Most Morium BEGUM, Md. Ekhlas UDDIN, Sezanur RAHMAN, Md. Shahadat HOSSAIN, Rumana Ferdous BINT-A-RAHMAN, Md. Rezanur RAHMAN, Hossain Md. FARUQUEE. Genetic variation, character association, and genetic divergence analysis among Mustard (Brassica spp. L.) in Bangladesh.  Biotechnol Res4(1): 40-47, 2018.
  23. M. E. Uddin, T. Ahmad, M. M. Ajam, M. Moniruzzaman, S. K. Ray, A. Sufian, M.A. Rahman, E. Hossain, and T. Ahammed. Thermotolerant Extracellular Proteases Produced by Bacillus subtilis Isolated from Local Soil that Representing Industrial Applications. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology11(2), 733-741, 2017.
  24. Alam S. A. M. F., Ahmad T., Nazmuzzaman M., Rahman S., Ray S. K., Sharifuzzaman M., Karim M. R., Alam M. G., Ajam M. M., Maitra P., Uddin ME., Ahammed T. Synthesis of Benzimidazole Derivatives Containing Schiff Base Exhibiting Antimicrobial Activities.  International Journal of Research Studies in Biosciences, 5(7), 18-24, 2017.
  25. Md. Gahangir Alam, Md. Ekhlas Uddin, Sezanur Rahman, Tasnim Ahmad, Mohammad Reazul Karim, Dr. Mohammad Shakil Mahmood, Mohammad Shah Alam, Md. Nazmuzzaman, Md Jakir Hossain, Pulak Maitra, Md. Sharifull Islam. Protease activity of the extracellular enzyme produced by B. subtilis isolated from soil. International Journal of Environment, Agriculture, and Biotechnology. 2(1), 382-388, 2017.
  26. Mohammad Khairul Islam Sarkar, Shafkat Shamim Rahman, Khaled HossainDewan Anwarul Azim, Md. Rubel Mia, Md Ekhlas Uddin, A. M. Azmal Morshed. Isolation of yeasts from raisins and palm-juice and ethanol production in molasses medium.  Indian Journal of Science and Technology9(12): 1-8, 2016.
  27. Uddin ME., Alam M. G., Ahmad T., Mahmud S., Nazmuzzaman M., Alam M. F., Karim M. R., Barman N. C., Arif-uz-Zaman M., Ahammed T., and Faruquee H. M. Screening, Optimization, and Exploration of Microbial Enzymes with Special Characteristics for Biotechnological Applications.  Research J. of Life Sciences, Bioinformatics, Pharmaceutical and Chemical Sciences. 2(3): 178-191, 2016.
  28. Uddin ME., Ahmad T., Arif-uz-Zaman M., Rahaman T., Ranjan N., Nazmuzzaman M., and Manik M. A. Standardization and Improving in Vitro Micropropagation of Night Jasmine (Cestrum nocturnum L.). Plant Archives. 16(1): 279-284, 2016.
  29. Firoz, M.A., Uddin ME., Amin, R., Razzak, M.A., Manik, M.A., and Khatun, M.M. Studies on the Effect of Various Sterilization Procedure for in vitro Seed Germination and Successful Micropropagation of Cucumis sativus. International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience4(1): 75-81, 2016.
  30. Uddin ME., Ahmad T., Sarkar M. K. I, Azim D. A., Rahman S. S., Islam M. S., Karim M. R., Rahman M. M., Rahman M., Islam M. R. Microbial production of alkaline proteases and Evaluation of its performances for pretreatment of the leather industry. Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology2(12): 3370-3377, 2015.
  31. Mohammad Khairul Islam Sarkar, Miskat Ara Akter Jahan, Md Ekhlas Uddin, Md. Firoz Alam, Mst Muslima Khatun. In vitro Micropropagation of Medicinal plant Abroma augusta L. (Ulatkambal). American International Journal of Research in Formal, Applied & Natural Sciences1(12): 10-13, 2015.
  32. Md. Ekhlas Uddin, Dr. M. Rahman, H. M. Faruquee, Md. R. I. Khan, M. Feroz Mortuza, M. H. Rahman & Pulak Maitra. Isolation, Identification, and Partial Characterization of Protease Producing Bacteria that Exhibiting Remarkable Dehairing Capabilities. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research15(1): 09-18, 2015.
  33. Firoz Alam M., Ruhul Amin, Ekhlas Uddin M., Sudhangshu Kumar Biswas, and Monirul Islam M. Regeneration of Shoot from Nodal explants of Cucumis sativus considering Different Hormonal concentration. International Research Journal of Biological Sciences. 4(7): 1-5, 2015.
  34. M. M. Khatun, T. Tanny, Abdur. M. Razzak, Firoz Alam M, Ekhlas Uddin M, Ruhul Amin, and S. Yesmin. Standardization of In Vitro Sterilization Procedures for Micropropagation of ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.). International Journal of Applied Biology and Pharmaceutical Technology. 7(1): 131-137, 2015.
  35. Md. Ekhlas Uddin, Pulak Maitra, H. M. Faruquee, Md. Firoz Alam. Isolation and Characterization of Proteases Enzyme from Locally Isolated Bacillus sp. American Journal of Life Sciences. 2(6): 338-344, 2014.

Book Chapter Published

  1. Md. Ekhlas Uddin,  Md. Anwar Hossain,  Zinia Afrin,  Md. Mosharraf Hossen,  Sukalyan Kumar Kundu,  Md. Fuad Hossain,  and Mohammad Mehedi Hasan Khan, (2023). Ameliorate and Standardization of the In vitro Micropropagation of Night-blooming Jasmine (Cestrum nocturnum L.), Emerging Issues in Agricultural Sciences, 2, Page 166-180.

Abstracts & Oral Presentation in National and International Seminars and Conferences:

  1. Mondol GC, Alam MG, Ahmad T, Rony MH, Moniruzzaman M, Ahmed F, Zuhora FT, Hossain MA, and Md. Ekhlas Uddin, “Prevalence of Antibiotic-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Among Patients who come to Seek Treatment in a Hospital of Bangladesh” BABG Congress. Zahir Raihan Auditorium, JU, Savar, 2017: 23
  2. Md. Ekhlas Uddin, Pulak Maitra, H. M. Faruquee, Md. Firoz Alam, “Isolation and Characterization of Proteases Enzyme from Locally Isolated Bacillus sp.” Role of Young Biotech Graduates in Agriculture and Health Sciences, Bir Shreshtha Hamidur Rahman Auditorium, Islamic University, Kushtia, 2014: 11

Membership of Different Reputed Organizations:

  1. Bangladesh Association of Biotechnology Graduates (BABG)
  2. National Young Academy of Bangladesh (NYAB)
  3. Scientific Bangladesh (Science Review for Developed Bangladesh)

Initiation for Author and Researcher:

  • I am working as a Managing Editor of the Universe Publishing Group (UniversePG, an independent international academic publisher) with my five (5) foreign collaborators to enhance research and the first publication of any good and quality article under UniversePG (www.universepg.comjournals.

Engaged as an Editorial and Reviewer Board member in the International Journals:

I am also working as a –

  1. Editorial Board member for Journal of Biotechnology and Immunology journal under eScientific Publishers,
  2. Review Board member for AS Microbiology journal under Acta Scientific, Hyderabad, India.
  3. Editorial Committee member for Current Trends in Gastroenterology and Hepatology (CTGH) journal under Lupine Publishers, New York USA.
  4. Editorial Board member for SVOA Microbiology journal under ScienceVolks Open Access Publishers, Kemp House 160 City Road, London, United Kingdom.
  5. Editorial Board member for EC Clinical & Medical Case Reports journal under E-Cronicon Open Access Publishers, 32, 19-21 Crawford Street London W1H 1PJ United Kingdom.
  6. Editorial Board member for Journal of Bioscience & Biomedical Engineering under Uniscience Publishers LLC, USA.

Research Project or Grant Awarded and Continue:

  1. I have awarded and ongoing a research grant as a Principal Investigator for two (2) years under the title “Isolation, Characterization, Purification and Heterologous Expression of Proteases Enzyme for Pretreatment of Industrial Residues from Leather Industry” from BANBEIS, Ministry of Education, Peoples Republic of Bangladesh.
  2. I have awarded and successfully completed a research grant as a Project Director for One (1) year under the title “Assessment, Biomonitoring and Evaluation of Some Specific Toxic Metals and their Major Effects on the Peoples among the DEPZ Areas of Dhaka City” from NST (R&D), Ministry of Science and Technology, Peoples Republic of Bangladesh.


    1. Awarded ‘A’ Grade scholarship from the Islamic University, Kushtia, Bangladesh. Due to bright Academic Performance in the B.Sc. (Hon’s) and M.Sc level.
    2. Obtained National Science & Technology (NST) Fellowship (during M.Sc. level) from the Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, December 2011.
Updated On:February 05, 2023