
Dr. Md. Fuad Hossain

Senior Assistant Professor and Head

Qualification: MSc. (JU), PhD (Sri Lanka)

Mobile: 01979 864011


  1. Bowange, Tharangika K., Md. Fuad Hossain, Kavinda A. Wijesekera, Wasantha Kumara, and Renuka R. Ratnayake, (2022). Investigation of the value-added potential of some selected freshwater cyanobacteria, Kuwait Journal of Science, pp 1-20. URL:
  2. Md. Kamruzzaman Munshi, Farzana Akter Sukhi, Roksana Huque, Arzina Hossain, Shamim Mahbub, Sheikh Ariful Hoque, Tania Hossain, Md. Shafiqul Islam Khan, Md. Fuad Hossain, (2021). Combination impacts of gamma radiation and low temperature on the toxin-producing Bacillus cereus isolated from fried and steam rice, J Food Process Preserv., 00, e16054.
  3. Md. Tuhinur R. Joya, Shamim Mahbubb, Malik Abdul Rub, Md Al Amin Hossain, Md. Delowar Hossaina, Most. Johura Khatun, Suman C. Mohanta, Md. Fuad Hossain, Yousef G. Alghamdi, Md. Anamul Hoque, (2021). Interaction of crystal violet dye with dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide in aqueous and electrolyte medium at different temperatures, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 343, 117592.
  4. Md. Fuad Hossain, R. W. T. M. R. T. K. Bowange, K. L. W. Kumara, D. N. Magana-Arachchi, and R. R. Ratnayake. (2020). First record of cyanobacteria species: Cephalothrix komarekiana, from tropical Asia. Environmental Engineering Research; 26 (2), 104-118.
  5. Md. Fuad Hossain, R. R. Ratnayake, Shamim Mahbub, KL Wasantha Kumara, and D. N. Magana-Arachchi. (2020). Identification and culturing of cyanobacteria isolated from freshwater bodies of Sri Lanka for biodiesel production. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences. 27 (6). 1514- 1520. URL:
  6. Fuad Hossain, R.R Ratnayake, M.S. Malika, W.M.D.G.B. Wijayaratne, K.L.W. Kumara. “Antimicrobial Activities of Some Selected Cyanobacteria from Fresh Water Bodies of Sri Lanka.” Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences (SJAMS). (2018): 3545-3549. URL:
  7. Kamruzzaman Munshi, M. Azad Hossain, Roksana Huque, M. Mazibur Rahman, Afifa Khatun, Mahfuza Islam, Md. Afzal Hossain, Arzina Hossain, Md. Fuad Hossain. “Preservation of Broiler Meat through Citric Acid at Low Temperature in Relation to Organoleptic Microbiological and Biochemical Properties.” Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences (SJAVS). (2018): 93-97. DOI : 10.21276/sjavs.2018.5.2.7
  8. Fuad Hossain, R.R. Ratnayake, S.A. Kulasooriya and K.L.W kumara. “Culturable cyanobacteria from certain water bodies in the major climatic zones of Sri Lanka.” Ceylon journal of Science 46:1(2017): 47-54. URL:
  9. M. Tanvir; Md. Sakib Hossen, Md. Fuad Hossain, Rizwana Afroz, Siew Hua Gan, Md. Ibrahim Khalil, Nurul Karim. Antioxidant properties of popular turmeric (Curcuma longa) varieties from Bangladesh.” Journal of Food Quality (2017). URL:
  10. Kamruzzaman Munshi, M. Azad Hossain, Roksana Huque, M.Mazibur Rahman, Afifa Khatun, Mahfuza Islam, Md. Fuad Hossain, Md. Afzal Hossain, Arzina Hossain and Gul-A-Anar. “Feasibility of citric acid production by gamma ray induced mutant strains of Aspergillus niger using molasses and maize as substrates.” International Journal of Agriculture and Earth Science (2017): URL:
  11. Fuad Hossain, R.R. Ratnayake, K. Meerajini, K.L.W kumara “Antioxidant properties of some selected cyanobacteria isolated from fresh water bodies of Sri Lanka.” Food Science & Nutrition (2016): URL:
  12. Fuad Hossain, R.R. Ratnayake, K.L.W kumara“Isolation purification and culturing of cyanobacteria and micro-algae towards biodiesel production: current status.” American Journal of Biomass and Bioenergy 5:3(2016): 11-129. URL:
  13. Kamruzzaman Munshi, Sajjad Hosen Mazumder, Md. Fuad Hossain, Mazibur Rahman, Muhammad Salim, and Swapan Kumar Paul. “Effect of different growth factors on transplant aman rice cv. Brri dhan51 during harvest.” International Journal of Agriculture and Crop Sciences 9:1 (2016): 24-32. URL:
  14. Fuad Hossain, R.R. Ratnayake, M.V.U.M. Jayasinghe, S.A. Kulasooriya and K.L.W. kumara. “Renewable energy: An attempt towards biodiesel production from cyanobacteria and micro-algae isolated from fresh water bodies of Sri Lanka.” Sri Lanka Energy Empowered Nation: Research Findings; Ministry of power & energy and University of Sri Jayewardenepura. vol. 1 (2015): 180-185.
  15. Fuad Hossain, Md Anowar Khasru Parvez, M. Kamruzzaman Munshi, Md Ibrahim Khalil, and Roksana Huque. “Effect of radiation and chemical treatments on guava (Psidium guajava L.) to delay ripening in relation to organoleptic biochemical and microbiological properties.” Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci 3:12(2014): 19-36. URL,%20et%20al.pdf
  16. Fuad Hossain, Anowar Khasru Parvez, M. Kamruzzaman Munshi, Ibrahim Khalil, and Roksana Huque. “Postharvest treatments of radiation and chemical on organoleptic and biochemical properties of mango (Mangifera indica L.) In relation to delay ripening.” Am-Eur. J. Agric. Environ. Sci 14:6(2014): 555-564. URL:
  17. Md Rafiqul Islam, Khandakar Md Rayhanul Kabir, Md Sabir Hossain, Fuad Hossain, Md Murad Hossain, and Md Ibrahim Khalil. “Efficacy of Argemone mexicana Linn. Leaf and Stem Extract to Restrain the Growth of Water Borne Microorganisms.” Am-Eur. J. Agric. Environ. Sci (2014). URL:
  18. Md Rafiqul Islam, Khandakar Md Rayhanul Kabir, Md Sabir Hossain, Fuad Hossain, and Md Ibrahim Khalil. “Efficient in vitro Cultural Techniques for Seeds Germination of Vanda roxburghii.” World Journal of Agricultural Sciences 10, no. 4 (2014): 163-168. URL:
  19. Afroz, Rizwana, E. M. Tanvir, Fuad Hossain, Siew Hua Gan, Mashud Parvez, Md Aminul Islam, and Md Ibrahim Khalil. “Protective Effect of Sundarban Honey against Acetaminophen-Induced Acute Hepatonephrotoxicity in Rats.” Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2014 (2014). URL:
  20. Hossain, Md Sabir, Nayla Binte Iqbal, Md Hafizur Rahman, Md Tanvir Sarwar, Asad Ud-Daula, Fuad Hossain, and Md Ibrahim Khalil. “A Study on the Incidence of Infections and Infestations among the Malnourished Children of the Slum Area.” British Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 3:4(2013): 929-939. URL
  21. Rahman, M. Shafiur, K. Saiful Islam, Md Hossain, M. Ibrahim Hossain, Fuad Hossain, and Md Ibrahim Khalil. “Birth Weight Correlation with Conception Interval and Other Factors in Bangladesh New Born.” Annual Review & Research in Biology 3:4(2013). URL:
  22. Rahman, Md Hafizur, Md Minarul Islam, Md Rezaul Karim, Asad Ud-Daula, M. Ibrahim Hossain, Md Sabir Hossain, Fuad Hossain, and Md Ibrahim Khalil. “A Study on Nutritional Status of Pregnant Woman in South-West Region of Bangladesh.” International Research Journal of Pharmaceutical and Applied Sciences 3:2 (2013): 54-58. URL:
  23. Asad Ud-Daula, Abdur Rakib, Md. Hafizur Rahman, Md. Sabir Hossain, Md. Ibrahim Hossain, Fuad Hossain and Md. Ibrahim Khalil “Isolation And Characterization Of Antibiotic Resistance Bacteria In Hospital Effluents,” Journal of Pharmacy Education Research, Vol. 4 No. 1, January-June 2013, pp.10-18.
  24. Munshi, M. Kamruzzaman, Roksana Huque, Afifa Khatun, Mahfuza Islam, Fuad Hossain, M. Mazibur Rahman, and Md Ibrahim Khalil. “Effect of Biomass and Sugar in Citric Acid Production by Aspergillus niger Using Molasses and Jackfruit as Substrates.” American Journal of Food and Nutrition 1:1(2013): 1-6. URL:
  25. Munshi, M. Kamruzzaman, Fuad Hossain, Roksana Huque, Mazibur Rahman, Afifa Khatun, Mahfuza Islam, M. Afzal Hossain, and Md Ibrahim Khalil. “Effect of gamma-ray induced mutant strains of Aspergillus niger on citric acid fermentation using molasses and jackfruit based medium.” Acad J Nutr 1(2012): 19-24. URL:

Book Chapter Published

  1. Md. Ekhlas Uddin, Md. Anwar Hossain,  Zinia Afrin,  Md. Mosharraf Hossen,  Sukalyan Kumar Kundu,  Md. Fuad Hossain,  and Mohammad Mehedi Hasan Khan, (2023). Ameliorate and Standardization of the In vitro Micropropagation of Night-blooming Jasmine (Cestrum nocturnum L.), Emerging Issues in Agricultural Sciences, 2, Page 166-180.

Abstracts & Oral Presentation in International Conference:

  1. Shahid Mallick, Abu Saleah, Fuad Hossin, Monirul Hasan, “Salinity, sea level rise, seasonal change and crops diversification: A case of coastal village in Bangladesh” Saline Futures Conference (2019), Netherlands.
  2. Shahid Mallick, Fuad Hossain, Mohammad Abul Bashar, “Industrialization Water Pollution and Health of the Commons: A Tell of a Polluted River of Bangladesh” International Conference on Social Work & Sustainable Social Development 2018. 4-6 January, 2018. Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh.
  3. Fuad Hossain, R.R. Ratnayake, M.S. Malika, W.M.D.G.B. Wijayaratne, K.L.W. Kumara “Anti-pathogenic activity of selected cyanobacteria isolated from fresh water bodies of Sri Lanka”. Wayamba international conference WinC- 2016, ‘Managing Systems from Source to Sink: Current Theories and Applications. Wayamba University of Sri Lanka (2016):195.
  4. Fuad Hossain, R.R. Ratnayake, R. Nadarajah, K.L.W. kumara “Wastewater treatment potential of cyanobacteria isolated from fresh water bodies of Sri Lanka.” 16th conference of the science council of Asia, ‘Science for the People: Mobilizing Modern Technologies for Sustainable Development in Asia’, (2016):137.
  5. Fuad Hossain, R.R. Ratnayake, M.V.U.M. Jayasinghe, S.A. Kulasooriya and K.L.W. kumara. “Renewable energy: An attempt towards biodiesel production from cyanobacteria and micro-algae isolated from fresh water bodies of Sri Lanka.” Energy challenges in the knowledge economy; symposium proceedings vol. 1 (2015): 53.

 Abstracts & Oral Presentation in National Conference:

  1. Fuad Hossain, R.R. Ratnayake, KNS Jayalath, K.L. Wasantha Kumara. “Comparative study on different fatty acid extraction methods for fresh water Cyanobacteria.” Annual conference for Sri Lankan society for microbiologist (2016): 33.
  2. Fuad Hossain, R.R. Ratnayake, M.S. Malika, K.L.W. Kumara “Sun protection factor of selected cyanobacteria isolated from fresh water bodies of Sri Lanka.” Proceedings of the Postgraduate Institute of Science Research Congress, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka (2016): 103.
  3. Fuad Hossain, R.R. Ratnayake, K. Meerajini, S.N. Premetilake, K.L.W. kumara “Antioxidant properties of some selected cyanobacteria isolated from fresh water bodies of Sri Lanka.” 6th research symposium, ‘Towards Emerging Trends in Value Addition’, Uva Wellessa University of Sri Lanka (2016):124.
  4. Fuad Hossain, R.R. Ratnayake, E.G.C.K. Priyadarshika, S.A. Kulasooriya and K.L.W. kumara. “Comparison of the occurrence of cyanobacteria among water bodies in different climatic zones of Sri Lanka.” Annual conference for Sri Lankan society for microbiologist (2015):12.
  5. Fuad Hossain, R.R. Ratnayake, K.L.W. kumara, S.A. Kulasooriya, M.V.U.M. Jayasinghe. “Growth optimization of cyanobacteria and micro-algae from fresh water bodies of Sri Lanka towards biodiesel production.” NIFS annual research sessions-2014 (2015): 62.


  1. ‘Sustainable consumption & production (SCP)’: National Institute of Fundamental Studies, Sri Lanka on Feb-21, 2017.
  2. “Preservation of guava through Citric Acid, Potassium Sorbate and Radiation.” Phil Seminar (2014): Department of microbiology; Jahangirnagar University. Presenter.
  3. “Preservation of mango through Citric Acid, Potassium Sorbate and Radiation.” Phil Seminar (2013): Department of microbiology; Jahangirnagar University. Presenter.
  4. “Use of formalin and its effect on health.” Sc. seminar (2008): Department of biochemistry and molecular biology; Jahangirnagar University. Presenter.
  5. Seminar on Avian Influenza and Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and Awareness Organized by Press Institute of Bangladesh (PIB) and UNICEF in March 12th – March 14th Participant.

Scholarships and award:

  • 2018: Winner of the first public health photo contest in Bangladesh.
  • 2017: National Research Council (NRC), Sri Lanka merit award.
  • 2016: Full scholarship (Travel, accommodation, Allowance) to attend SACEP/UN Winter School on Sustainable Consumption & Production in South Asia.
  • 2014: Sri Lankan presidential scholarship for foreign students; for PhD research.
  • 2005: National debate federation (Bangladesh) media award.
  • 2003- 2004: Merit scholarship for 1st year and 2nd year academic result to study BSc. (Hons).
  • 1998- 2000: Merit scholarship for secondary school certificate (SSC) examination.
  • 1997: National children prize competition, third prize for debate at district level.
  • 1997: National children prize competition, third prize for speech at district level.
  • 1996: National education week, second prize for essay writing competition.
  • 1996: National cultural competition for children, first prize for instant speech.
  • 1994: World cup quiz competition, 3rd prize in national level.
  • 1993- 1995: Talent pool scholarship for primary education examination (second position in district level.
  • 1992: First prize for poem writing competition organized by Interact club of Noapara, Bangladesh.

Workshop/ Training:

  • 2018: Training on Teaching- learning and transferable skills organized by Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC).
  • 2017: Training on Pedagogy and professional ethics, teaching-learning & curriculum design, Bloom’s taxonomy, co-operative learning, professional development and good governance organized by Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC).
  • 2016: Operational training on HPLC, GC, LC-MS, GC-MS by Agilent Corporation, USA.
  • November 6th -November 19th 2016: SACEP/UN Winter School on Sustainable Consumption & Production in South Asia.
  • March 5th -March 7th 2015: Workshop on Sri Lankan lichens in national botanical garden, peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
  • 2013: Product training on 3M Corporation in Singapore.
  • 2012: Online global anti bribery and corruption awareness certificate conducted by 3M corporation, USA.
  • May 11th –May 12th 2011: Nutrition workshop by baby nutrition ltd. Bangladesh.
  • April 15th – April 17th 2006: Foundation training workshop, by press institute of Bangladesh (PIB).
  • 2005: HIV / AIDS workshop organized by Bangladesh manobadhikar sangbadik forum.
  • 1996: Fourth national debate workshop.
  • 1995: Third national debate workshop.
  • 1995: National book reading program organized by bishya sahitya kendro (world literature center), Bangladesh.

Contribution to International Scientific Community

Associate Editor- International Journal of Agriculture and Earth Science (IJAES)

Leadership and contribution to society:

  1. December 20th 2014–January 12th 2015: Interpreter to international election observers’ for Sri Lankan presidential election, 2015.
  2. January 2005- present: Advisor to voluntary blood donors’ organization “Badhan” Jahangirnagar university zone.
  3. January 2004- present: Donation of blood for more than 15 times.
  4. January 2004- December 2004: Founder general secretary to voluntary blood donors’ organization “Badhan” Jahangirnagar university Al-Beruni Hall unit.

Research Project or Grant Awarded and Continue:

  1. Study on Prevalence and Antibiotic Resistance of Urinary Pathogens for Empiric and Optimum Treatment: A Comparison of Urban with Sub-Urban Hospital. Funded as a Co-Principal Investigator by Centre for Multidisciplinary Research, Gono Bishwabidyalay, November 2018-Ongoing.
  2. Factors affecting C-section delivery; A comparative study on GK Maternal health service delivery and the national maternal health services in Bangladesh. Funded as a Co-Principal Investigator by Centre for Multidisciplinary Research, Gono Bishwabidyalay, November 2018-Ongoing.
  3. Conservation and restoration of river lives; Pollutants and its effect on health and wellbeing of riverside community of Bangladesh. Funded as a Principal Investigator by Centre for Multidisciplinary Research, Gono Bishwabidyalay, November 2018-Ongoing.
Updated On:February 05, 2023