
Dr. Mahbuba Khatun

Senior Assistant Professor

Qualification: M. Sc (RU), PhD (RU)

Mobile: 01700-00000


  1. Khan M.M.H, Manirujjaman, Matiar Rahman, Khatun M, Meftah Uddin, Shahangir Biswas, M A Islam. Studies on nutritional and fatty acids properties of two fishes (Catla catla, and Cirrhinus cirrhosus) from wild and farmed and their effects on various blood parameters in experimental rats. Journal of Food and Nutrition Research. 2014, 2(1); 47-50.
  2. Mohammad A. Islam, Sohel Hasan, S. Munira, M Sohanur Rahman, M. Asaduzzaman, M. Muedur Rahman, M Khatun, M.H Khan, Ziaul Amin, MdRezaul Karim-2, and Matiar Rahman. Inhibition of phospholipase A2 expression by the trans, trans conjugated linoleic acid isomers in mammary tumorigenesis induced by N-methyl-N-nitrosourea in Sprague Dawley Rat. IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences, 2015, 10; 71-79.
  3. Ahsan Habib, Shahangir Biswas, Abdul Hai Siddique, Manirujjaman M, Belal Uddin, Sohel Hasan, Khan MMH, Meftah Uddin, Minarul Islam, Mahadi Hasan, Muedur Rahman, Asaduzzaman M, Sohanur Rahman M, Khatun M, Islam MA, and Matiar Rahman. Nutritional and Lipid Composition Analysis of Pumpkin Seed (Cucurbita maxima). Nutrition and Food Sciences, 2015, 5; 4.
  4. Asaduzzaman M, Sohanur Rahman M, Munira S, Muedur Rahman M, Siddique M A H, Biswas S, Belal M.H, Khatun M, Khan M.H, Rahman M.M, Karim M., Islam M. A. Effects of honey supplementation on hepatic and cardiovascular disease marker in Streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Journal of diabetes and metabolism, 2015, 6; 592.
  5. Muedur Rahman, Mahadi Hasan, Abdul Hai siddique, Shahangir Biswas, Mahabuba Khatun, Minarul Islam, Masudul Hasan Khan, Matiar Rahman, Mohammad Amirul Islam. Evolution of phytochemical, antibacterial, antioxidant, cytotoxic properties of Cocciniacordofolia leaves, International Journal of Advanced Research, 2015, 3; 8.
  6. Shahangir Biswas, Ahsan Habib, M. Manirujjaman, Belal Uddin, M.M.H. Khan, Sohel Hasan, Meftah Uddin, Minarul Islam, Khatun, M. A. Islam, Matiar Rahman. Cytotoxicity and phytochemical studies of pumpkin seed (Cucurbita maxima linn.) Extract. Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Research, 2014, 3;
  7. Md. Wasim Bari, Md. Monirul Islam, Mahabuba Khatun, Mst Julia Sultana, Rabbi Ahmed, Ariful Islam, Md. Ismail Hossain, Md. Matiar Rahman & Mohammad Amirul Islam. Antidiabetic effect of Wedelia chinensis leaf extract in alloxan-induced Swiss albino diabetic mice. Clinical Phytoscience, 2020, 6; 58.
  8. Md Shajedul Islam, Farzana Akonjee Mishu, Mahabuba Khatun, Mohammad Amirul Islam. Study of fasting blood glucose, glycated hemoglobin and lipid profile in male and female type 2 diabetic patients. BIRDEM Medical Journal. 2021,11(1).

Research Project or Grant Awarded and Continue:

  1. Biomonitoring of Toxic Metals and Their Health Effect on Children among the Industrial Areas of Dhaka City. Funded as a Co-Principal Investigator by Centre for Multidisciplinary Research, Gono Bishwabidyalay, November 2018-Ongoing.


  • Monitoring and Evaluation of Tuberculosis control program for managers, arranged by ICDDRB& Brac.
  • Teaching-Planning, Learning-Assessment & Curriculum Development. Trainer: QA Expert, Professor Dr. Zuraidah Mohd Zain, University of  Malaysia Perlis, Malaysia. Arranged by IQAC, GonoBishwabidyalay.
  • Pedagogy and Professional Ethics. Trainer: Professor Dr. M. Mozahar Ali, Director, GTI, BAU. Arranged by IQAC, GonoBishwabidyalay.
  • Training on communication and skill development.
  • Workshop on Laboratory Biosafety.
    1. Attend in 4th Regional Public Health Conference, Organized by Bangladesh University of Health Sciences with the Collaboration of the University of Oslo, Norway on 02-03 March 2014. Dhaka, Bangladesh.
    2. Attend in 20th Diabetic Endocrine Conference, Organized by Bangladesh University of Health Sciences with the Collaboration of the University of Oslo, Norway on 02-03 March 2014. Dhaka, Bangladesh.
    3. Attend in Conference of Medical Biochemistry Association, Organized by BSMMU in November 2014. Dhaka, Bangladesh
    4. Attend in 5th Regional Public Health Conference, Organized by Bangladesh University of Health Sciences on 20-21 November 2015. Dhaka, Bangladesh.
    5. Attend in 21st Diabetic Endocrine Conference, Organized by Bangladesh University of Health Sciences on 17-19th March 2014. Dhaka, Bangladesh.
    6. Attend a seminar on “Medical Physicist: Education and Profession” Organized by Gono Bishwabidyalay, Dhaka, Bangladesh on 27th March 2016.
    7. Attend in Seminar on “Biosafety and Biosecurity” on 2nd May 2016 Organized by Gono Bishwabidyalay, Dhaka, Bangladesh on 27th March 2016.
Updated On:February 05, 2023