Prof. Md. Karam Newaz
Dean, Faculty of Science & Engineering
B.Sc.(Hons) (DU), M.Sc. (DU), M. Phil (DU), M.S.(CSE)
Mobile: 01716199431
Faculty of Science & Engineering
Dean Message
The academic program of Gono Bishwabidyalay is now being conducted under four faculties. With the introduction of newer courses in the Academic program of the University the necessity for instituting new faculties has been felt. Accordingly, the new Faculty of Science & Engineering started functioning from December 2013.
The Faculty oversees the academic activities of the following departments:
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE)
- Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
- Chemistry and Physics
- Applied Mathematics
- Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering (MPBME)
The syllabus of all the departments includes extra-departmental courses like Bengali, English, Ethics and Equity, Environmental Science and Liberation war. The students have to pass in these supporting courses during the prescribed schedule of relevant department.
Scholarship facilities
The University has created a provision for special scholarship for the poor and meritorious students of the rural area who intend to study in the departments of Applied Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics of the faculty. The scholarship is in the form of free tuition fees, free food and free accommodation. This facility will reduce the total cost for four year undergraduate honours course from TK. 1,50,000.00 to only TK. 52,000.00. Besides, under this scholarship program one hundred poor female students are provided with total waiver for all fees – food, accommodation, tuition fees. This facility is also available for the students of the departments of Physiotherapy, English and Bengali Language, Literature and Culture of other two faculties.