Sonia Akter
Qualification: M. Sc. in Applied Mathematics and B. Sc. (Hons) in Mathematics, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science and Technology University, Gopalganj-8100, Bangladesh.
Mobile: +8801745275671
E-mail: soniaaa053@gmail.com, sonia.eee@gonouniversity.edu.bd
- Education
- Experience
- Publications
- Research Interests
- Achievement, Awards and Grants
- Seminar & Conference
- Training & Workshop
- Others
Research (National and International):
1) Sonia Akter, Md Haider Ali Biswas, M. N. Srinivas, Kalyan Das “Mathematical Model
Analysis of Diabetes for Glucose-Insulin Interaction in Human Body”, accepted by L&H
Scientific Publishing.
2) Sajib Mandal, Md, Sirajul Islam, Md. Haider Ali Biswas, Sonia Akter “A mathematical
model applied to investigate the potential impact of global warming on marine
ecosystems” Elsevier, Applied Mathematical Modelling Volume 101, January 2022,
Pages 19-37.
3) Sajib Mandal, Md, Sirajul Islam, Md. Haider Ali Biswas, Sonia Akter “Modeling the
optimal mitigation of potential impact of climate change on coastal ecosystems” Heliyon
Volume 7, Issue 7, July 2021.
4) M. H. A. Biswas, A. K. Paul, M. S. Khatun, S. Mandal, S. Akter, M. A. Islam, M. R.
Khatun, and S. A. Samad “Modelling the Spread of COVID- 19 Among Doctors from the
Asymptomatic Individuals” Springer, In book: Mathematical Analysis for Transmission
of COVID-19 (pp.39-60), Chapter: 3, April 2021.
5) M. H. A. Biswas, M.A.Islam, S. Akter, S. Mandal, M. S. Khatun, S.A.Samad, A. K. Paul
and M. R. Khatun “Modelling the effect of the self- immunity and the impact of
asymptomatic and symptomatic individuals on COVID-19 outbreak Journal .” Computer
Modeling in Engineering and Sciences, 125(3), December 2020.
6) Sonia Akter, Md. Sirajul Islam, Md. Haider Ali Biswas, Sajib Mandal “Mathematical
model applied monitoring the glucose insulin interaction inside the human body” GANIT
Journal of Bangladesh Mathematical Society 40(1):1-12, July 2020.
7) S Mandal, MS Islam, S Akter, MHA Biswas “A mathematical model to investigate the
frequent impact of global warming on coastal lives”, International Conference on
Industrial and Mechanical.
8) Sonia Akter, Md. Sirajul Islam, Md. Haider Ali Biswas, Sajib Mandal “A Mathematical
Model Applied to Understand the Dynamical Behavior of Predator Prey Model”
Communication in Mathematical Modeling and Applications 4(3):84-94, December
9) S. M. Arifuzzaman, Md. Shakhaoath Khan, Khan Enaet Hossain, Md. Sirajul Islam,
Sonia Akter and Raju Roy, 2017 “Chemically Reactive Viscoelastic Fluid Flow in
Presence of Nano Particle Through Porous Stretching Sheet” ISSN: 2151-8629, Frontiers
in Heat and Mass Transfer (FHMT), 9, 5 (2017).
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Fuq1LBgAAAAJ&hl=en
Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sonia-Akter
Research Area & Interest:
Mathematical Modeling of ODEs, Dynamic Optimization, Optimal Control, Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, Mathematical Biology, Mathematical Ecology, Mathematical Epidemiology and Fluid Dynamic.
1. Prime Minister Gold Medal Award 2016 for the highest Marks/CGPA in Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Mathematics examination from the Faculty of Science.
2. Merit Scholarship from Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science and Technology University, Gopalganj-8100, Bangladesh.
3. Deans Award for the distinction in the M.Sc.
4. Deans Award for the distinction in the B.Sc. (Hons.).