Nolam, P.O. Mirzanagar via Savar Cantonment, Ashulia, Savar, Dhaka
Mobile: 01720077666

Dr. Nijaya Mohanto

Assistant Lecturer (Pathology), Department of Para Clinical Courses (Study Leave for PhD, South Korea)

DVM (PSTU); MS in Pathology (BAU)


Joined Gono Bishwabidyalay on 9th September. 2019.

Research (National and International):

List of Publications:

  1. Begum S, Nooruzzaman M, Parvin M, Mohanto N, Parvin R, Islam MR, Chowdhury EH (2018). Peste des petits ruminants virus infection of Black Bengal goats showed altered haematological and serum biochemical profiles. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research 85(1): a1595.
  1. Biswas S, Kar J, Sen A, Mohanto N, Nath SK (2017). Success of estrus synchronization and artificial insemination in cattle among the NGO supported farmers at char area in Bangladesh. Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci. 4(5): 166-170.