Unleash the Future of Genomics

There’s a seemingly insatiable desire for data that’s shared across the scientific spectrum. And rightfully so, as more and better data are essential for making informed, evidence-based decisions to advance research and improve public health.
Data are the driving force behind the march toward precision medicine. Imagine a day when your healthcare is so personalized that there’s no guessing as to what medication will work best for you or whether you are at risk for a particular disease. The answers will be right at your and your physician’s fingertips.
This is a bold prediction. A lot has to happen to move research forward and to make this a common occurrence. This is the premise behind a new seminar series being hosted by the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), called “Bold Predictions for Human Genomics by 2030.” This unique series sets the bar for what might come. It includes 10 lofty but, for the most part, attainable goals.
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