
Md. Rezaul Alam

Assistant Professor

Qualification: B.Sc. (Hons), M.Sc. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology(Dhaka University), MBA-IBA (Dhaka University) M.S. (Long Island University, New York, USA)

Mobile: 01712-115200


1. Alam R, Khan R, Rahman M, Shaha S. Isolation & Identification of Common Pathogenic Bacteria from three types of Dry Fishes from Greater Savar Region ,Gono University Journal, Reviewed, 2023 ISSN: 2521828X
2. Parvin R, Akter M, Alam R, Black Cumin (Nigella Sativa) seed may possess potent ingredient(s) for antibacterial Activity. Gono University Journal, reviewed, 2023 ISSN: 2521828X
3. Rahman M, Bepari T, Hasan M, Chandra R, Alam R. Review paper: Argument and Contention over the Use of Low-dose Irradiation to COVID-19 Pneumonia. A comprehensive review IJCRT 233797
International Journal of creative research thoughts. Accepted ISSN :2320-2882 (2023)
4. Hasan M, Alam R, Hosen A, Rahman S, Jahan N, Hasan H, Rafia R, Miah S, Islam S and Rumi NA. Isolation and Identification of Common Food-borne Pathogens from Honey and Determination of Antimicrobial Activity of Honey in Greater Dhaka Region, Bangladesh“Acta Scientific MICROBIOLOGY” (ISSN: 2581-3226) Volume 6 Issue 1 January 2023
5. Pervin R, Rahman A, Zereen F, Ahmed R, Alam R. Isolation, Identification and Characterization of Staphylococcus Aureus from Raw Milk in Different Places of Savar, Bangladesh. “International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research” (IJSBAR) Vol. 48 No. 7 (2019) ISSN 2307-4531
6. Helmer E, Alam R, Morin J, “Intracellular signaling pathways Activated by CART peptides in Hippocampal neurons” Long Island University Honors Journal 2004.
7. Helmer E, Alam R, Morin J, “Cocaine and Amphetamine regulated pathway and inhibitors response” Long Island University Honors Journal 2004.

Work Experience
1. Senior officer, Sonali Bank at Babubazar branch, Dhaka 1998-2000
2. Graduate Research Assistant, Long Island University, Dept. of Biology, New York 2001-1003
3. MS Thesis work done at Sackler Institute of Technology, New York under Yemiliya Berman 2003-2004
4. Research Assistant, Department of Dermatology, Case Western Reserve University. 2005-2006
5. Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology, Gono University, 2008-Running



  1. Member of ORCA: Rajshahi Cadet College
  2. Member Alumni: University of Dhaka, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Dept.
  3. Member Alumni: institute of Business Administration, University of Dhaka
  4. Member Alumni: Long island University, New York, USA
  5. Member Alumni, Dinajpur Zilla School
  6. Member Alumni, St Joseph School

Seminar and Conferences Attended:

  1. Preparation of Improvement Plan. Held on 19.03.2017 at IQAC conference hall, GB
  2. Teachers and Course Assessment. Held on 13.03.2016 at IQAC conference hall, GB
  3. Methodology of Self-Assessment report Writing. Held on 07.05.2016 at IQAC conference hall, GB
  4. Training on Teaching-learning and transferable skills organized by Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC). Held in 2018< GB
  5. Training on Pedagogy and professional ethics, teaching-learning; curriculum design, Bloom’s taxonomy, co-operative learning, professional development, and good governance organized by Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC). Held in 2017, GB
  6. Environmental and Ecological Risk Management September 28, 2018 at Nawab Ali Chowdhury Senate Bhaban Auditorium of Dhaka University.
  7. Implementation of OBE, March 13, 2022 at IQAC conference hall, GB
  8. Gordon Research Conference, 2004 Reversible Associations in Structure & Molecular Biology, California, USA
  9. From Egg to Organ: Motors and Motility in Development. Symposium. September 30-October 1, 2002, University of Minnesota, USA Annual Conference of the Bangladesh Society of Microbiologist, held on 10 March, 2018.
  10. Annual Conference of the Bangladesh Society of Microbiologist, held on 10 March, 2018
  11. 6th Annual Biosafety Conference Dhaka, Westin Hotel.2017
  12. International Conference of Biotechnology, February, 2020, University of Dhaka.
  13. Poster Presentation Long Island University, 2004
  14. Conference attended in Bangalore, India on 2014.
  15. International biotechnology seminar, February, 2018, Dhaka University.
  16. Biofilm and its application, Seminar, Case Western Reserve University, 2005


Updated On:February 05, 2023