
Labony Yeasmin

Senior Lecturer & Head, Dept of Crop Improvement

Qualification: B.Sc. Ag( Hons) from Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh(BAU), M.Sc in Biotechnology (BAU)

Mobile: 01717647831


  1. L Yeasmin, S Ahmed, M.H. Rashid, S. Parveen and N. Zeba: Effect of Nitrogen and Potassium on In Vitro Development of Microtuber of Potato (solanum tuberosum L.). Journal of Experimental Bioscience, Vol: 2, No. : 1 January 2011.


  1. S Ahmed, L Yeasmin, M. N. Islam: In vitro Performance of Sweet Potato (ipomoea batatus L.) in Bangladesh. International Journal of Bio-Resource and Stress Management, Page: 209-214, Issue No. 2(2), June 2011.
  2. Hoque, M.A., N.H. Patwary,S.M.Shahidullah, M.R.U. Bahadur, L.Yeasmin, 2015. Performance of selected F1 hybrids of sweet gourd. Int.J.Appl.Res., 1(1):57-70.
  3. Shafiuzzaman, M.,M.N.Islam, N.H. Patwary, S.A.Porag and L.Yeasmin ,2015. Study of variability, Heritability, Character association and selection index in spring wheat, Int.Appl, Res., 1(1): 40-47.
  4. MM Hassan, S Ahmed, NH Patwary,L.Yeasmin, SM Shahidullah and MA Sattar (2015). Environmental degradation through hill cutting in Chittagong district of Bangladesh. International Journal of Natural and Social Science 2(3): 41-54.
  5. MAI Juwel, T Sultana, MO Faruk, S Ahmed and L Yeasmin (2015). Changes in indigenous microbial population in soils due to tobacco cultivation in some southern districts of Bangladesh. International Journal of Natural and Social Science 2(4):90-94.
  6. T Sultana, MAI Juwel, MO Faruk, L Yeasmin, MR Ahmed and MM Hossen (2015). Effects of municipal solid waste compost and fertilizers on the growth and yield of Bina Dhan 7. International Journal of Natural and Social Science 2(4):76-89.
Updated On:February 05, 2023