- Can Higher Education and Economic Self-reliance Ensure the Highest level of Empowerment? A study on female teachers of university of Rajshahi. Bangladesh journal of regional science voloume-1, December 2011, ISSN-2226-8723.
- Do Female university students use Burkha only to maintain purdah? A case study of Burkha user students of Rajshahi University. Bangladesh Sociological studies Vol 3 March 2007. ISSN-1815 2163.
- evsjv‡`‡k wkï AwaKvi I cÖwZeÜx wkï wkÿv| ¯^vÿiZv ey‡jwUb RyjvB 2008 MY ¯^vÿiZv Awfhvb (Campaign for Popular education) Dhaka. †m‡Þ¤^i, 2009|
- MÖvgxb evsjv‡`‡ki M„n¯’vjx I cï m¤ú` ব্যবস্থাপনায় গৃহিণীদের ভূমিকা| evsjv‡`‡ki MÖvg, m¤úv`bv, KvRx †ZveviK †nv‡mb, gyn¤§` nvmvb Bgvg| mvgvwRK weÁvb Dbœqb †K›`ª, XvKv, 2000|
- The Health Problem and awareness of health cleanliness among women. A Publication by DFID Journal March-2022.
- Disparity in food distribution among male and female children. A study in Yusufpur Union, Charghat upozila, Rajshahi, 1999. Vol-4, Journal of Bangladesh studies I.B.S Rajshahi University.
- Girls Education and rural poverty. Bangladesh Education Journal. ISSN 1811-0762. 2007
- MÖvgxb cwiev‡ii we`¨vjqMvgx evjK evwjKv‡`i Lv`¨ গ্রহণ ZviZg¨| ivRkvnx †Rjvi BDmydcyi BDwbq‡bi †`vjMvox MÖv‡gi evjK evwjKv‡`i Dci GKwU M‡elYv| evsjv‡`k wkÿv mvgwqKx, PZz_© el©, cÖ_g msL¨v, Ryb 2007| ev‡dW, BD‡b‡¯‹v I weBD. AvBBwW †hŠ_ cÖKvkbv|
- bvixi cÖwZ mwnsmZvi ¯^iƒc| Women for women. b‡f¤^i msL¨v 2008|
- Health education and poverty. Life style of dwellers of two slums in Satarkul union, Dhaka. Sociology, Health women and Environment. B.S.A Bangladesh sociological Association. Edited by Nazrul Islam Paper persecuted at the first International conference. B.S.A Novermber 18-20, 1997.
- Women and child trafficking. State of Human Rights 1995 Bangladesh. Bangladesh Manobadhikar Samonnoy Parishad (BMSP) 1996. Coordinating council for Human Rights in Bangladesh (CCHRB)
- Av_© mvgvwRK Dbœq‡b bvix mgvRt
Proceedings of a seminar held in Dhaka May 9-10-1982.
Bangladesh economic Association Dhaka March-1983.
- Health and Sanitation of Rural Women in Bangladesh: Some Observations from Belgharia Village. A journal on women Health and Poverty, DFID, British Council (2003).
- Protibandhi Shishu o Shishu Sikkha, Prekhapat Bangladesh. Journal, Institute of Bangladesh Studies, The University of Rajshahi, December (2002).
- IBN Khaldun (a Bengali article on IBN Khaldun social thought), A Book edited by Hosain Kazi T. and Imam. M.Hasan (eds) Adhunik Shamaj Bigganer Chinta O Tatta, 3rd Edition, Dhaka. Social Science Development Centre (2001).
- Pattern of Social stratification in Bangladesh and Caste system in India (samajik strar Binyasser dhoron O Bharoter Bornopota (coauthor). Edited by Dr. Md. Moksuder Rahman. Political Sociology, Dhaka. Obsar Prokashoni Sangtha. 3rd edition 2012.
Presentations in Scholarly Meetings:
- Health and Sanitation of Rural Women in Bangladesh, Some observations from Belgharia Village, Presented in the Seminar in Manchester University arranged by the Department of Sociology, Manchester University under the Higher Education Link Program (2001).
- The nature of Violence against Women: Some case studies in the context of Bangladesh, presented to 23rd conference of International Professional Women Association Held in Vancouiver, Canada (1999).
- Women- The Ignorant Users of water. A study in slum area in Dhaka city. Paper presented in the 2nd Conference of Women and Water, arranged by INHURD in Katmandu, Nepal and International Professional Women Club, Bangladesh (1998).
- The Retarded Children and their Education in context of Bangladesh present at the Seminar held at Rajshahi University, Jointly Sponsored by UNICEF, Rajshahi and the Department of Sociology, Rajshahi University (1994).
- Women with disability in Bangladesh, an article presented in the Seminar arranged by CARE, Rajshahi (1193).
Editorial Responsibilities :
Social Science Faculty Journal, University of Rajshahi 2014-2015.
- Member of editorial Board
University of Rajshahi Journal of Social Science and Business Studies, University of Rajshahi 2011-2013.
Administrative and Leadership Experience :
Faculty of Social Science-26/04/2014 to 26/04/2016.
Department of Sociology, 15/09/2021 to 14/09/2014, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh.
Begum Rokeya Hall, October-04, 1992 to October 27, 1995, Rajshahi University.
Research Experience:
Mobilization and sensitization of community people. Through Engagement of Teachers and Students. Organized by U.G.C. Ministry of Education GOB and funded by British Council during June of July 2013.
Access of rural women to health services, a research under higher education link program Funded by DFID and The British Council (2001).
Child rearing and Socialization in slum area in Rajshahi City, funded by the Social Science Faculty, University of Rajshahi. 1994-1997.
- Research Director
- Attitude of housewives toward joint family in urban area of Rajshahi City some case studies. Funded by social science faculty 1999-2001.
- The Health Program and awareness about health Cleanliness among women. A research in Yusufpur Union, Charghat Upazila, Rajshahi 2002, I.B.S Rajshahi.
World View and Belief Systems in relation to population in Bangladesh, Institute of Bangladesh Studies, Rajshahi University. 1976-1978.
- Elected Member of Teacher Association, Rajshahi University, 2001-2002.
- Life member of Bangladesh Sociological Association, Bangladesh.
- Ex-member, Overseas Link Committee, Higher Education Link Programs Between Department of Sociology, Rajshahi University and Department of Sociology, Manchester University (UK).
- Member, Association of Inner Wheel. An International Forum.
1. Shahana Nasreen Mst. Tahmina Sultana3 “Mental and physical health condition of aged people in Bangladesh: A gender-based analysis” (in Bangla). Khamotayan (Empowerment), Vol. 15, PP- 1-12. (Co-author).
2. Mst. Tahmina Sultana3 ‘Women Entrepreneurship in Small Business: A Study on National memorial-Based Area” Vol.1;No:2 PP-184-195-12June-2016,Journal of the Arts and Social Sciences, Gono Bishawabidyalay.(In Bangla).Sakina Akter Sema1*, Nazneen Parveen2, Mst. Tahmina Sultana3, Md. Touhidul Islam4
3. Sultana MT Islam M Touhidul “Meeting Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Food and Livelihood Perspectives of Transgender Community in Bangladesh” Funded by Gono Bishwabidyalay. Successfully Completed 31.07.2018
4. Hasan M, Ali MM, Sultana MT, and Parvin R. (2021). Impact of Primary Schools Infrastructure on the Dropout Rate: A Situational Analysis on the Context of Bangladesh, Br. J. Arts Humanit., 3(3),64-73. Doi: https://doi.org/10.34104/bjah.02106407
5. Sultana MT, Ali MM, Parvin R, and Hasan M. (2021). The Present Scenario of Women Laborer in the Informal Sector: A Study on Dhaka city, Asian J. Soc. Sci. Leg. Stud., 3(4), 128 -138. Doi https://doi.org/10.34104/ajssls.021.01280138.
6. Parvin R, Sultana MT, Hasan M, and Mokter MA. (2021). Needs Assessment and Survival Pattern of Elderly People in Rural Bangladesh, Asian J. Soc. Sci. Leg. Stud. 3(6), 218 -229. Doi:
7. Parvin R, Sultana MT and Hossain S .(2022). The Effects of Miscarriage on Women’s Health, International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention Vol. 9, Issue 11, November, 2022 9(11): 7414-7430, 2022 DOI: 10.18535/ijsshi/v9i011.10 ISSN: 2349-2031 https://valleyinternational.net/index.php/theijsshi
8. Islam M Touhidul ,Akther J , and Sultana MT. (2022).Technological Advancement in Education Sector is the Demand of Time: Bangladesh Perspective, Volume 7, Issue 11, November – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology ISSN No:-2456-2165
1. Hasan M, Ali MM, Sultana MT, and Parvin R. (2021). Impact of Primary Schools Infrastructure on the Dropout Rate: A Situational Analysis on the Context of Bangladesh,
Br. J. Arts Humanit., 3(3),64-73. Doi: https://doi.org/10.34104/bjah.02106407
2. Sultana MT, Ali MM, Parvin R, and Hasan M. (2021). The Present Scenario of Women Laborer in the Informal Sector: A Study on Dhaka city, Asian J. Soc. Sci. Leg. Stud., 3(4), 128 -138. Doi:
3. Parvin R, Sultana MT, Hasan M, and Mokter MA. (2021). Needs Assessment and Survival Pattern of Elderly People in Rural Bangladesh, Asian J. Soc. Sci. Leg. Stud., 3(6), 218 -229.
Doi: https://doi.org/10.34104/ajssls.021.02180229.
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