Course Plan
Course Plan
Undergraduate Program:
1. Course plan & Tuition fee:
The Department of Politics and Governance offers:
(A) Four years Honors in Bachelor of Social Science.
BSS (Hon’s) Tuition fees: TK 200,000 (Four Years / 8 Semesters.)
Graduate Program
1. Course plan & Tuition fee
The Department of Politics and Governance offers:
(A) Two years MSS Program (Part I and Part II) Tuition fees: TK 120’000.
(B) One year MSS Program (Part II) Tuition fees: TK 600,00
The Master of Social Science in Politics and Governance is a two year program intended for students who want to develop political understanding and knowledge, and to develop their skills in development and applied research. It is designed not only for those who wish to pursue careers in academia, but also outside it such as, government departments and offices, business and research organizations.
Students who have completed a four year BSS (Hon’s) program, without any break in studies, are eligible to apply directly at the Second Year level. Others must successfully complete the First Year program, in order to be admitted into the second / final year level.
Two-year MSS Program (Part I and Part II)
- Students, who have completed satisfactorily a three year BSS (Hons) program, or a two year BA (pass) degree program at the National University, are eligible to seek admission in the two year MSS program or part I and part II.
- Students, who have more than a two year gap from regular studies, must undertake a two year MSS program.
- Both regular and irregular students who have received a third class in BSS (Hons) or 2 Grade Point (40-44% marks) must undertake a two year MSS program.
One-year MSS program (Part II)
1. Students who have a four year BSS (Hon’s) degree. Regular students i.e., those who have completed satisfactorily a four year BSS (Hon’s) program, are eligible for admission at the Second Year level or part II.
Results: 2.5 Grade Point in all degrees.
Research Monograph Students
Students eligible to opt for writing a Research Monograph instead of studying a taught course are:
- Those who have previous research experience, either as an Honours students, or through their work.
- Students who do not have previous research experience, but are keenly interested in taking the Research Monograph course may apply to the Departmental Academic Committee. The Committee may grant permission if it is convinced of the student’s ability to conduct research and complete report-writing.
- All decisions concerning the Research Monograph course (number of students, list of students, interpretations of rules, exceptions etc) will be finalized by the Departmental Academic Committee.