Journal Publications

views October 3, 2018

  Md. Karam Newaz

  1. R. A. Aenney, M. A. Rahman and M. K. Newaz “Detection of Lung Nodules using Image Processing Techniques” International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887), Volume 127 – No. 19, November 2019.

  2. T.A. Ruhancea,d, M. Tauhidul Islam, Md Saifur Rahman, M.M. H Bhuiyanb, Jahid M.M. Islam, M. K. Newaz, Mubarak A. Khan. “ Photo current enhancement of natural dye sensitized solar cell by optimizing dye extraction and its loading period” Optik – International Journal for Light and Electron Optics. Volume 149, November 2017, Pages 174-183.
  3. T.Sultana,d, M.D.Hossain, M. K. Newaz, “ Analysis on SWT based Image Fusion Techniques using Intuitionistic Fuzzy Set Operations” Optik – International Journal of Technology Enhancements and Emerging Engineering Research. Volume 4, November 2016,
  4. M. S. Ahmed, J. Sadique, M. A. Zulquarnain, M. K. Newaz and M. M. Islam “Design and Development of a Publication Warehouse” Nuclear Science and Applications, Vol.25, No.1 & 2 Nov., 2016.
  5. M. S. Uddin, N. Afroze, M. A. Islam and M. K. Newaz “Cross Section of the 159Tb(n,g)160Tb Reaction at 0.0536 eV Energy”  Nuclear Science and Applications, Vol.24, No.1 & 2 Nov., 2015, pp. 5-8.
  6. F. Hafiz, F. Akter, M. A. S. Haque, M. Hoq, M. K. Newaz, M. A. M. Chowdhury and M. G. Azam “Design and Development of a Microcontroller Based Room Temperature and Humidity Control System” Nuclear Science and Applications, Vol.24, No.1 & 2 Nov., 2015, pp. 9-15.
  7. M. Akter, M. J. Abden, M. K. Newaz, and M. M. Haque ”Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Al2O3-30wt%ZrO2Doped with MgO and TiO2 Nuclear Science and Applications, Vol.24, No.1 & 2 Nov., 2015, pp. 17-21.
  8. R. N. Sruti, M. M. Islam, M. M. Rana, M. M. H. Bhuiyan, K. A. Khan, M. K. Newaz and M. S. Ahmed ” Measurement of Percentage Depth Dose of a Linear Accelerator for 6 MV and 10 MV Photon Energies” Nuclear Science and Applications, Vol.24, No.1 & 2 Nov., 2015, pp. 29-32.
  9. Sultana, T., Hossain, M., D. and Newaz, M. K.; “Analysis on SWT based Image Fusion Techniques using Intuitionistic Fuzzy Set Operations” International Journal of Technology Enhancements and Emerging Engineering Research, Vol. 4, ISSUE 8, ISSN 2347-3289, 2015.
  10. Sattar, M.A and Newaz, M. K. “An approximate solution of the unsteady magnetic boundary layer flow a non-Newtonian power law fluid” Dhaka Univ. J. Sci., 49(1): pp: 79-84, 2001(January).
  11. Sattar, M.A and Newaz, M. K. “Approximate solutions of the boundary layer equations of a non-Newtonian power law fluid flow fast a wedge”  Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Science, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp: 179-206, 1996.
  12. Sattar, M.A and Newaz, M. K. “Approximate solutions of the boundary layer equations of a non-Newtonian power law fluid flow fast a wedge” Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Science, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp: 179-206, 1996.

Submitted Paper on GonoBishwabidayalay:

  1. A. S. Jothi, M. M. Sarker and M. K. Newaz GonoBishwabidyalay Journal “Electronic Voting System Security Issues, Solution Approaches”.
  2. S. Rahman, M. W. Zaman and M. K. Newaz “Credit based task scheduling in fog Computing”
  3. T. Akter, R.A Aenney, S. Ahamad, L. Barua, M.K. Newaz, “ Study of Anatomical Structure of Corpus Callosum to Differentiate Between Control and Autistic Brain.”
  4.  R.A Aenney and M.K. Newaz, “Identification of Lung Nodules Using Image Processing Techniques”.

Tania Akter

  1. Shahriare Satu,Tania Akter, Md. Sadrul Arifin, Md. Raza Mia, Predicting Accidental Locations of Dhaka-Aricha Highway in Bangladesh using Different Data Mining Techniques, International Journal of Computer Applications, Volume 166, May 2017.
  2. Tania Akter, Shahriare Satu, Lipika Barua, Farha Farida Sathi, Mohammad Hanif Ali, Statistical Analysis of the Activation Area of Fusiform Gyrus of Human Brain to Explore Autism. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, 15.6(2017).
  3. Mousumi Bala, Tania Akter, , Mohammad Hanif Ali, Performance Analysis of Different Classification Algorithms that Predict Heart Disease Severity in Bangladesh. Journal of Gono Bishwabidyalay, 15. 5(2017).
  4. Shahriare Satu, Sharif Ahamed, Faruk Hossain, Tania Akter, Dewan Farid,  Mining Traffic Accident Data of N5 National Highway in Bangladesh Employing Decision Trees, 5th IEEE R10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (HTC),  BUET,  Dhaka, Bangladesh,2017.
  5. Shahriare Satu, Tania Akter, Md. Jamal Uddin, Performance Analysis of  Classifying Localization Sites of Protein using Data Mining Techniques and Artificial Neural Networks. International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Engineering (ECCE), CUET, Chittagong, Bangladesh, 2017.
  6. Shahriare Satu, Tania Akter, Lipika Barua, Md. Atikur Rahman Building Conditional Inference Tree Model To Predict The Possibility of Diabetes. Day Long Seminar and AGM of Bangladesh Medical Physics Society (BMPS) – 2017, Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences (INMAS), Dhaka Medical College Campus, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2017.
  7. Shahriare Satu, Tania Akter, Lipika Barua, Khondaker Abdullah Al Mamun, Detection of Autism to Explore Behavioral Pattern of Different Children in Bangladesh, Brain Symposium 2017, United International University,  Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2017.
  8. Shahriare Satu, Farzana Tasnim, Tania Akter, Sajal Halder, Exploring significant heart disease factors based on semisupervised learning algorithms, in: 2018 International Conference on Computer, Communication, Chemical, Material and Electronic Engineering (IC4ME2), IEEE, 2018, pp. 1–4.
  9. Shahriare Satu , Tania Akter , Lipika Barua , Roena Afroze Aenney , Md. Julkar Nayeen Mahi. “Exploring Frequent Features of Teaching Assistant To Improve Quality of Education Applying Machine Learning Algorithms”, IJCSIS Volume 16 No. 12, December 2018.
  10. Lipika Barua, Md. Sharif Ahamed and Tania Akter. Analyzing Cervical Cancer by using an Ensemble Learning Approach based on Meta Classifier. International Journal of Computer Applications 182(46):29-33, March 2019.

Lipika Barua

  1. Lipika Barua, Md. Sharif Ahamed and Tania Akter. Analyzing Cervical Cancer by using an Ensemble Learning Approach based on Meta Classifier. International Journal of Computer Applications 182(46):29-33, March 2019.
  2. Tania Akter,  Shahriare Satu, Lipika Barua, Farha Farida Sathi, Mohammad Hanif Ali, Statistical Analysis of the Activation Area of Fusiform Gyrus of Human Brain to Explore Autism. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, 15.6(2017).
  3. Shahriare Satu, Tania Akter, Lipika Barua, Md. Atikur Rahman Building Conditional Inference Tree Model To Predict The Possibility of Diabetes. Day Long Seminar and AGM of Bangladesh Medical Physics Society (BMPS) – 2017, Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences (INMAS), Dhaka Medical College Campus, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2017.
  4. Shahriare Satu, Tania Akter, Lipika Barua, Khondaker Abdullah Al Mamun, Detection of Autism to Explore Behavioral Pattern of Different Children in Bangladesh, Brain Symposium 2017, United International University,  Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2017.
  5. Shahriare Satu , Tania Akter , Lipika Barua , Roena Afroze Aenney , Md. Julkar Nayeen Mahi. “Exploring Frequent Features of Teaching Assistant To Improve Quality of Education Applying Machine Learning Algorithms”, IJCSIS Volume 16 No. 12, December 2018.

Roena Afroze Aenney

  1. Shahriare Satu , Tania Akter , Lipika Barua , Roena Afroze Aenney , Md. Julkar Nayeen Mahi. “Exploring Frequent Features of Teaching Assistant To Improve Quality of Education Applying Machine Learning Algorithms”, IJCSIS Volume 16 No. 12, December 2018.


Md. Atikur Rahman

  1. Atikur Rahman, Md. Shahriare Satu, Md. Rasel Mia, K M Akkas Ali, Web-based Secure Handout Management System for Professional Master’s Students at Jahangirnagar University, International Journal of Computer Applications, Volume 174, July 2017
  2. Shahriare Satu, Tania Akter, Lipika Barua, Md. Atikur Rahman, Building Conditional Inference Tree Model To Predict The Possibility of Diabetes. Day Long Seminar and AGM of     Bangladesh Medical Physics Society (BMPS) – 2017, Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied     Sciences (INMAS), Dhaka Medical College Campus, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2017.
  3. Sujit Roy, Atikur Rahman, Md. Rasel Mia, An Empirical Assessment of Hadoop Cluster Performance Enhancement on Replica Management, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 9, Issue 8, August-2018.
  4. Rasel Mia, Sujit Roy, Subrata Kumar Das*, Md. Atikur Rahman , “Mango Leaf Diseases Recognition Using Neural Network and Support Vector Machine”, International Journal of Computer Science Engineering (IJCSE), Vol. 8 No.01,  Jan-Feb 2019.

Md. Rasel Mia

  1. Atikur Rahman, Md. Shahriare Satu, Md. Rasel Mia, K M Akkas Ali, Web-based Secure Handout Management System for Professional Master’s Students at Jahangirnagar University, International Journal of Computer Applications, Volume 174, July 2017.
  2. Sujit Roy, Atikur Rahman, Md. Rasel Mia, An Empirical Assessment of Hadoop Cluster Performance Enhancement on Replica Management, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 9, Issue 8, August-2018.
  3. Rasel Mia, Sujit Roy, Subrata Kumar Das*, Md. Atikur Rahman, “Mango Leaf Diseases Recognition Using Neural Network and Support Vector Machine”, International Journal of Computer Science Engineering (IJCSE), Vol. 8 No.01,  Jan-Feb 2019.


Farzana Tasnim

  1. Shahriare Satu, Farzana Tasnim, Tania Akter, Sajal Halder, Exploring significant heart disease factors based on semisupervised learning algorithms, in: 2018 International Conference on Computer, Communication, Chemical, Material and Electronic Engineering (IC4ME2), IEEE, 2018, pp. 1–4.

Farhana Islam

  1. A. Jeba, F. Islam, S. R. Tammim, Z. I. Chowdhury and M. S. Kaiser, “Load balancing with offloading algoritm for xG heterogeneous wireless cellular network,” 2016 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI), Coimbatore, 2016, pp. 1-6.doi: 10.1109/ICCCI.2016.7480014.



  1. Nurjahan, Farhana Nizam, Shudarshon Chaki, Shamim Al Mamun and M. Shamim Kaiser, “Attack Detection and Prevention in Cyber Physical System”, International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI), Coimbatore – 641062,INDIA , January (7-9), 2016.2.

  2. Nurjahan, Saoreen Rahman, Tanusree Sharma, S M Reza, M M Rahman and M. S. Kaiser, “PSO-NF based Vertical Handoff Decision for Ubiquitous Heterogeneous Wireless Network(UHWN)”, International Workshop on Computational Intelligence (IWCI), Jahangirnagar University, Savar-1342, Bangladesh , December (12-13),2016.


    Shelia Rahman

  1. Shelia Rahman, Afroza Sultana, Afsana Islam and Md Whaiduzzaman.”Group Based Resource Management and Pricing Model in Cloud Computing”, In  International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology (IJCSIT),August 2018, Volume 10, Number 4.


         Sharif Ahamed

  1. Shahriare Satu, Sharif Ahamed, Faruk Hossain, Tania Akter, Dewan Farid,  Mining Traffic Accident Data of N5 National Highway in Bangladesh Employing Decision Trees, 5th IEEE R10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (HTC),  BUET,  Dhaka, Bangladesh,2017.
  2. Shahriare Satu, Sharif Ahamed, Asive Chowdhury, Md Whaiduzzaman, Factors Analysis of Career Decision Making Difficulties of Adolescents In Bangladesh Applying Regression Techniques, 2nd International Conference on “Electrical Computer and Communication Engineering”, ECCE 2019 (CUET)
  3. Lipika Barua, Sharif Ahamed and Tania Akter. Analyzing Cervical Cancer by using an Ensemble Learning Approach based on Meta Classifier. International Journal of Computer Applications 182(46):29-33, March 2019.