
views December 5, 2024

Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Collaboration

1. National Institute of Cancer research and Hospital (NICRH)

Year of establishment: 2008

Scope: Students do their practical classes of dosimetry and treatment planning in this hospital. They also get training for 3 months regarding radiotherapy after graduation. Bachelor and Master’s thesis are also performed under the guidance of respective Medical Physicists and Radiation Oncologists in this hospital.

  2. Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Ultrasound, Dhaka Medical College Hospital, (DMCH)

Year of establishment: 2012

Scope: Students attend the lab classes regarding Nuclear Medicine, Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT), Gamma Camera and Ultrasound in this institute. Students also get chance to perform their bachelor and master’s thesis work in the field of Nuclear Medicine under respective experts.

3. United Hospital Limited, Dhaka.

Year of establishment: 2013

Scope: United Hospital Limited, Dhaka has been giving opportunity of training, thesis and research related work for the students of MPBME department, Gono Bishwabidyalay. Every semester two graduate students get chance for hands on training in this hospital for 6 months.

    4. Ahsania Mission Cancer and General Hospital (AMCGH)

Year of establishment: 2014

Scope: The aim of this collaboration is to enhance education, research, training in the field of medical physics. Joint research projects and thesis are being conducted under this collaboration. Students also perform various training program, practical classes, post graduate internship/ fellowship in this institution.

5. Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST)

Year of establishment: 2016

Scope: Student and teacher exchange program has been established between Department of Biomedical Engineering (BME), Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST) and MPBME department, Gono Bishwabidyalay. Students can perform laboratory work jointly in both institutes.

6. South Asia Centre for Medical Physics and Cancer Research (SCMPCR)

Year of establishment: 2018

  • Joint academic activities such as joint conference, seminar and hands-on training program for medical physicists and medical doctors and technicians and nurses
  • Joint research programs (project/ thesis for bachelor, master and Ph. D students)
  • Joint health care personnel training programs
  • Exchange of staff and students

7. Square Hospital, Dhaka

8. In the third round of the Higher Education Quality Improvement Project (HEQEP) under the University Grants Commission, MPBME Department has been selected out of public and private universities and received a financial grant. This is the first time in Bangladesh that a treatment planning system (TPS) used in a hospital for cancer treatment has been introduced for students in this department for practicals.

9. QA Equipment for Diagnostic Radiology department (Xray, Flouroscopy, CT, mammography) have also been procured for the first in Bangladesh for research purpose. To ensure accurate diagnosis of patients by protecting the quality of imaging equipment in the hospital and protect the patient from harmful procedures QC is mandatory for a radiology department.