Md. Rafiqul Alam

Md. Rafiqul Alam

views February 27, 2020

Welcome Message from the Department Head

Message from Head

Thank you for your keen interest in the Department. The prospectus of the university provides a general overview of the Department.

Department of Law, Gono Bishwabidyalay is home for those  students who desire and deserve to make a change in the intellectual and practical premises of the law. Traditionally, the students with good result opt to study law. So, it can be legitimately claimed that the Department accommodates a group of very bright students of the country.

At present, we have 10 full time academics, having excellent academic records, expertise and experience in different aspects and areas of laws. As a team, we believe that legal education must combine necessary aspects of modern teaching-learning praxis which is essentially a diverse yet balanced fusion of theory and practice. Law being among others, a technical subject demands an objective and material introduction and projection of technical details based on the mandates of law. Under the Department of Law we mould law students for a legal profession that is commensurate with a modern society. The graduates of this department with their skills, ethics and values work for building a society with justice and equality. We heartily endeavour to maintain the high standard of legal education. The Faculty members, alongside necessary offices, staffs and teaching learning equipments are purposed to facilitate standard legal education. To support the students in their private and official matters, every teachers of this department performs the function of student counseling , advising and other services.

It is noteworthy that the department is now planning to extend its wings in furtherance of its commitment to provide legal education of global standard. The Department will arrange seminars and conferences on a regular basis. It will also engage in collaboration and exchange programs with other world renowned universities.

We expect that the Department of Law in its journey through the twenty first century shall gradually gain the status of one of the best law schools in the world. We n invite all the students to this tedious, yet enlightening journey.


Md. Rafiqul Alam
Associate Professor
Department of  Law
Gono Bishwabidyalay (Gono)

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