Nolam, P.O. Mirzanagar via Savar Cantonment, Ashulia, Savar, Dhaka-1344
Contact: 44073016, Extn. 166

H. M. Abir Anik


BA (Hons.) in English, MA in English Literature and Cultural Studies (Jahangirnagar University)


Joined Gono Bishwabidyalay on 18.10.2014

Research (National and International):

Published Article:

  1. “The impact of Indian TV channels on the fashion sense of the youngsters of Bangladesh”, Journal of the faculty of Arts and Social Sciences ,Gono Bishwabidyalay ISSN:2309-0642,Vol.1 No.2 June 2016

Other Articles:

  1. Impact of Racism: Distortion Leads to Identity Crisis in Tony Morrison’s The Bluest Eye
  2. People’s reaction to the matters related to the very basic instinct called sexuality
  3. Exhibition of feminine sensuality: Turning out to be the significant means of female ascendency/dominance in the media of Bangladesh
  4. Mediatized “Feeling Rules” and discrepant emotions towards love and sexuality: A convergent tale of three television commercials