Nolam, P.O. Mirzanagar via Savar Cantonment, Ashulia, Savar, Dhaka


Title Publish date Download
Supplementary/Improvement Result, August, 2022 Tuesday, August 23, 2022Download
2nd Semester (19th Batch) Result, October-2019 Sunday, January 26, 2020Download
4th Semester (17th Batch) Result, October-2019 Tuesday, January 28, 2020Download
6th Semester (15th Batch) Result, October-2019 Tuesday, January 28, 2020Download
8th Semester (13th Batch) Result, October-2019 Tuesday, January 28, 2020Download
1st Semester (20th) Batch Result (Exam October-2019) Wednesday, January 1, 2020Download
3rd Semester (18th) Batch Result (Exam October-2019) Wednesday, January 1, 2020Download
5th Semester (17th) Batch Result (Exam October-2019) Wednesday, January 1, 2020Download
7th Semester (14th) Batch Result (Exam October-2019) Wednesday, January 1, 2020Download
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th Semester (Supplementary Result) Examination February-2020 Wednesday, June 10, 2020Download
আইন বিভাগের জানুয়ারি, ২০২৫ সেশনের ৩২তম ব্যাচের ২য় ধাপের ভর্তি পরীক্ষার ফলাফল Tuesday, November 26, 2024Download
1st Semester, 24th Batch(Examination- October, 2021) Tuesday, January 18, 2022Download
3rd Semester, 22th Batch(Examination- October, 2021) Tuesday, January 18, 2022Download
4th Semester, 21th Batch(Examination- October, 2021) Tuesday, January 18, 2022Download
5th Semester, 20th Batch(Examination- October, 2021) Tuesday, January 18, 2022Download
6th Semester, 19th Batch(Examination- October, 2021) Tuesday, January 18, 2022Download
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th and 7th Semester (Supplementary Result) Examination October-2020 Wednesday, November 18, 2020Download
7th Semester, 18th Batch(Examination- October, 2021) Tuesday, January 18, 2022Download
8th Semester, 17th Batch(Examination- October, 2021) Tuesday, January 18, 2022Download
2nd Semester, 23th Batch(Examination- October, 2021) Monday, January 24, 2022Download
সাপ্লিমেন্টারী পরীক্ষা ফেব্রুয়ারি-২০২২ ইং এর ১৬/০৩/২০২২ইং তারিখে প্রকাশিত ১ম, ৩য়, ৪র্থ , ৫ম, ৬ষ্ঠ এবং ৭ম সেমিস্টারের ফলাফল দেওয়া হলো:- Wednesday, March 16, 2022Download
1st Semester(22th Batch) Result, October, 2020 Monday, February 22, 2021Download
2nd Semester (21th Batch) Result (Exam, October, 2020) Monday, February 22, 2021Download
3rd Semester (20th Batch) Result (Exam, October, 2020) Monday, February 22, 2021Download
4th Semester (19th Batch) Result (Exam, October, 2020) Monday, February 22, 2021Download
5th Semester (18th Batch) Result (Exam, October, 2020) Monday, February 22, 2021Download
6th Semester (17th Batch) Result (Exam, October, 2020) Monday, February 22, 2021Download
7th Semester (16th Batch) Result (Exam, October, 2020) Monday, February 22, 2021Download
8th Semester (15th Batch) Result (Exam, October, 2020) Monday, February 22, 2021Download
2nd semester (supplementary), February, 2019 Wednesday, March 6, 2019Download
1st Semester (Supplementary), February, 2019 Monday, March 11, 2019Download
3rd Semester (Supplementary), February, 2019 Wednesday, March 6, 2019Download
4th Semester (Supplementary), February, 2019 Wednesday, March 6, 2019Download
5th Semester (Supplementary), February, 2019 Wednesday, March 6, 2019Download
6th Semester (Supplementary), February, 2019 Wednesday, March 6, 2019Download
7th Semester Supplementary), February, 2019 Wednesday, March 6, 2019Download
8th Semester (Supplementary), February, 2019 Wednesday, March 6, 2019Download
3rd Semester Result April, 2019 Wednesday, August 7, 2019Download
5th Semester Result April, 2019 Sunday, August 4, 2019Download