Dr. M Rayhan Uddin

Dr. M Rayhan Uddin


B.Sc (Hons) (University of Rajshahi.), M. Sc (University of Rajshahi.), PhD(University of Canterbury)

Email: rayhanmpbme@gmail.com


Re-Joined Gono Bishwabidyalay on 2021-06-01


  1. Kanithi, P., de Ruiter, N. J. A., Amma, M. R., Lindeman, R. W., Butler, A. P. H., Butler, P. H, et al.” Interactive image segmentation of MARS datasets using bag of features. IEEE Transactions on Radiation & Plasma Medical Sciences. Advance online publication. (2020). doi: 10.1109/TRPMS.2020.3030045
  2. Rayhan Uddin, Kushal Chanda, M. A. Islam (2017). “Quality Control of Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT)” Universal Journal of Physics and Application, 11, 45 – 49. doi: 10.13189/ujpa.2017.110201.
  3. Philip H Butler, Sikiru A. Adebileje, Steven D. Alexander, et al.”MARS pre-clinical imaging: the benefits of small pixels and good energy data” Proceeding Volume 11113, Developments in X-ray Tomography XII; 111130C (2019) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2532367
  4. Rajeswari Amma, Anthony P H Butler , Raja Aamir, et al.”Assessment of metal implant induced artefacts using photon counting spectral CT” Proc.SPIE. 11113, Developments in X-ray Tomography XII (2019) http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.2531003
  5. Emily K Searle, Anthony P H Butler , Raja Aamir, et al.”Distinguishing Iron and Calcium using MARS Spectral CT”IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC) (2018) DOI: 1109/NSSMIC.2018.8824671
  6. Srinidhi Bheesette, Arkady Lokhovitskiy, Sophie Mallows, et al.” Medipix3RX neutron camera for ambient radiation measurements in the CMS cavern” IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC) (2018) DOI: 1109/NSSMIC.2018.8824390
  7. Mahdieh Moghiseh, Raja Aamir, Dhiraj Kumar,et al.” Cancer Imaging with Nanoparticles Using MARS Spectral Scanner” IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC) (2018) DOI: 1109/NSSMIC.2018.8824632
  8. Chiara Lowe, Ana Ortega-Gil, Raja Aamir, et al.” MARS pulmonary spectral molecular imaging: potential for locating tuberculosis involvement” IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC) (2018) DOI: 1109/NSSMIC.2018.8824604
  9. Raj Kumar Panta, Anthony P H Butler, Philip H Butler, et al.” First human imaging with MARS photon-counting CT”IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC) (2018) DOI: 1109/NSSMIC.2018.8824513

Book chapter


  1. Spectral CT imaging Using MARS Scanner in book: Spectral, photon counting computed tomography technology and application, 2020-07-07, DOI: 1201/9780429486111-7

Oral presentations


  1. Rayhan Uddin et al,“MARS Spectral Photon-counting CT: A New Biomedical Imaging Technique” Presented to the International Conference on Physics in Medicine, February 6-7, 2020, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  2. Rayhan Uddin, Marzieh Anjomrouz, Raj Kumar Panta, Brian P.Goulter, Stephen T Bell, Michael Walsh, Niels de Ruiter, Anthony P.H. Butler, Philip H. Butler “Image Artifact Library for MARS Spectral CT’’ Presented to New Zealand Institute of Physics (NZIP) Conference, 2017.
  3. Rayhan Uddin, Marzieh Anjomrouz, M.Shamshad, Raj Kumar Panta, Ali Atharifrad, LiezaVanden Broeke,, Anthony P.H. Butler, Philip H. Butler “An improved geometrical calibration method for MARS spectral scanner’’ Presented to the University of Canterbury Physics and Astronomy annual conference-2017.
  4. Rayhan Uddin “ Improving spectral image quality by optimizing geometrical calibration’’ Presented to University of Canterbury Physics and Astronomy three minute PhD thesis competition-2017.
  5. Rayhan Uddin “Developing a fine geometrical calibration method for MARS scanner’’ MARS Research group seminar, (13 Sept 2017).
  6. Rayhan Uddin, Kushal Chandra, M.A. Islam “Quality control of Intensity-modulated radiotherapy” Presented to the International Conference on Advances in Physics (ICAP 2015) held on 17-18 April,2015.Department of Physics, Rajshahi University, Rajshahi, Bangladesh
  7. Rayhan Uddin, M.Rahman, Anoarul Islam “ Delivery verification and absolute dose distribution in IMRT for prostate cancer” Presented to the National Conference on Physics Research and education in Bangladesh, 17-18 April, 2015, Atomic Energy Centre Dhaka, Bangladesh, Organized by Bangladesh Physical Society

Poster presentations


  1. M Rayhan Uddin, M.Rahman, M.A.Islam, M.A.Hai “To design and fabricate of an inhomogeneous phantom for quality assurance of a computerized radiotherapy treatment planning system and verification of its performance status” poster presentation in the 7th SAARC Federation of Oncologists (SFO) international cancer conference 14-15 December 2012 Dhaka Bangladesh.
  2. Paul A.K, M Rayhan Uddin, Islam M.A “Commissioning of radiotherapy treatment planning system using CIRS (002LFC) like a locally developed inhomogeneous phantom” poster presentation in the 4th annual conference of Bangladesh Medical Physics Society, 7th July 2015, Dhaka medical college, Dhaka Bangladesh.