Department of Physiotherapy
Mobile: 01715432101, 01715456036
BPT Eligibility For Admission: SSC & HSC Science group with CGPA 7.00 (Minimum CGPA3.00 individual).
The Applicant must have pass the S.S.C and H.S.C or the examination of equal status in science group with Biology, Physics and Chemistry and have to secure the Grade point 07(Seven). The candidate must have minimum grade point 3(three) separately.
The admission will be based on merit list of common entrance test to be conducted by the university.
Candidates must be citizen of Bangladesh except the seat of the foreign student.
The candidates seeking admission to the course will have to be medically fit by medical board of Gonoshasthaya Kendra Hospital.
Every candidate shall pay the fees as decided by the authorities which mention at the prospectus of admission.
Duration: Regular, full time, 5 years (4years + 1 year compulsory Rotational internship)
MPT Eligibility For Admission: Bachelor of Physiotherapy (BPT) with 1 year compulsory internship from any recognized institution & MBBS (Extra 1 semester for basic of Physiotherapy).