Journal Paper
By: Shilpi Das
Das, S., Ullah, H., Hossain, I., Ananya, T., Shah, T., Akter, S., In vivo Safety Assessment of Environmental Escherichia coli Serologically Cross-reactive to Shigella sonnei(Under Review).
Zubair, H., Fuad, H., Aparajita, K., Suraiya, Y., Das, S., Akter, A., Assessing Medicinal properties of Indigofera tinctoria extracts, post-fermented dye, and dyed fabric. Coloration Technology. CTE-24-0087.
Synthesis of novel antibiofilm agent TiO2@GO for reducing the formation of biofilm on teeth. Manuscript ID; JDDST-D-23-02847).
Ali, M.R., Bacchu, M.S., Ridoy, D.D., Mozumder, P.L., Hasan, M.N., Das, S., Palash, M.F.H., Akter, S., Sakib, N., Khaleque, A. and Chakrobortty, D., 2022. Development of a hematite nanotube and tyramine-based drug carrier against drug-resistant bacteria Klebsiella pneumoniae. RSC advances, 12(48), pp.31497-31505.
Bacchu, M.S., Ali, M.R., Das, S., Akter, S., Sakamoto, H., Suye, S.I., Rahman, M.M., Campbell, K. and Khan, M.Z.H., 2022. A DNA functionalized advanced electrochemical biosensor for identification of the foodborne pathogen Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi in real samples. Analytica Chimica Acta, 1192, p.339332.
Ali, M.R., Bacchu, M.S., Das, S., Akter, S., Rahman, M.M., Aly, M.A.S. and Khan, M.Z.H., 2023. Label free flexible electrochemical DNA biosensor for selective detection of Shigella flexneri in real food samples. Talanta, 253, p.123909.
Uddin, M. E., M. N. Uddin, S. K. Ray, D. Shilpi, S. Das, M. S. Jahan, M. S. Islam, M. Rahman, and M. N. Haque. “Protease produced by Bacillus subtilis isolated from local soil of Bangladesh for various industrial and environmental applications.” Romanian archives76, no. 3-4 (2017): 157-164.
By: Mrityunjoy Das, Ph.D.
Mrityunjoy Das, Md. Abul Kalam Azad, Kamal krishna Biswas, Sayeda Bodrun Nesa, Monira Khatun, Md. Belal Uddin. Evaluation of Rosmarinus officinalis extract on spatial memory, learning and antioxidant enzymes activities in the hippocampus of rats. Plant Science Archives, 2019, 2(1), 1-12.
Mrityunjoy Das, Abul Kalam Azad, Kamal krishna Biswas, Sayeda Bodrun Nesa, Monira Khatun, Md. Belal Uddin. Investigation of hypoglycemic effects of Morus alba leaves extract in an animal model. International Journal of Bioscience (IJB), 2019, 14(2), 456-463.
Mrityunjoy Das, Abul Kalam Azad, Kamal krishna Biswas, Sayeda Bodrun Nesa, Monira Khatun, Md. Belal Uddin. Evaluation of Anacyclus pyrethrum root extract on Learning and Memory-enhancing activityin albino Wistar rats. International Journal of Bioscience (IJB), 2019, 14(2), 464-472.
By: Dr. Mohammad Showkat Mahmud
Faruque, MR, Ahmed, SSU, Chowdhury,YE, Mahmud, MS. Prevalence of Infectious Bursal Disease in Layers and Broilers at Bandar Upazila Under Narayangonj District. Bang. J. of Micro. 2004; 21(1):3-5.
Mahmud, MS, Hossain, MT, Monoura, P, Amin, MM. Comparative Efficacy of Avinew (VG/GA Strain) and BCRDV (F Strain) vaccines Against NewCastle Disease in Broiler Chickens. Bangl. J. Vet. Med. 2007; 5(1&2):19-23.
Miazi, OF, Uddin, MM, Islam, MM, Hashem, MA, Mahmud, MS. Some phenotypic Parameters of scavenging Chicken in Rangpur, Bangladesh. Int. J. Sustain. Agril. Tech. 2009; 5(5):49-51.
Azad, MAK, Amin, MM, Mahmud, MS. Seroprevalance of Chicken Infectious Anaemia Virus in Selected areas of Bangladesh. Int. J. Ani. Fish. Sci. 2010; 3(2):277-282.
Mahmud, MS, Bari, ML, and Hossain, MA. Prevalence of Salmonella Serovars and Antimicrobial Resistance Profiles in Poultry of Savar Area, Bangladesh. Food borne pathogen & Diseases. 2011 June;8(10):1111-1118.
Shil, NC, Mahmud, MS, Amin, MM, Hossain, MA. Comparative Analysis of Haemagglutination Inhibition Antibody Production Against Three Lentogenic Newcastle Disease Virus Vaccines in Broiler Chicks. Bang. J. of Micro.2011; 28(1):41-43.
Islam, MM, Rahman, MM, Ali, MA, Alam, SMS, Mahmud, MS. Prevalence of Salmonella in Poultry Samples from Different Local Slaughtering Houses of Savar Area, Bangladesh. Int. J. Ani. Fish. Sci. 2012;5(1):423-427.
Chowdhury, MNU, Bhattacharjee, Amin, KMM, Mahmud, MS. Isolation and molecular detection of Newcastle disease virus from field outbreaks of broiler chickens in Bangladesh. J. Ani. Fish. Sci. 2013 1(2):1-7.
Mahmud, MS. Isolation of Chemically Resistant Bacterial Strains from Industrially Polluted Water Body. Bang. J. Medical Sci. 2013;12(3):310-314.
Hossain, D, Paul, AK, Salahuddin, M, Rahman, MM, Samad, MA, Mostofa, MM, Islam, MA, Mustari, A, Hossain, MM, Mahmud, MS. Efficacy of sodium bicarbonate and determination of haematological parameters against foot-and-mouth disease virus in cattle. Suranaree J. Sci. Technol. 2014 Octo; 22(1):43-50.
Rahman, MH, Giasuddin, M, Islam, MR, Hasan, Mahmud, MS, et al. Bio-molecular Diagnosis of Avian influenza virus from Different Species of Birds in Bangladesh. Immunology and Infectious Diseases. 2015 Janu; 3(1): 7-10.
Mahmud, MS, Saha, P, Rashid, M, et al. Prevalence of malaria disease under the Savar upazila of Dhaka district in Bangladesh. Asian J. Med. Biol. Res. 2015;1(1):53-58.
Mahmud, MS, Kabir, ML, Alam, SMS, Ali, MM, Towhid, ST. Prevalence of Salmonella spp. in Poultry Eggs from Different Retail Markets at Savar Area. Bangladesh. American J. Nutrition and Food science. 2015 April;1(2):27-31.
Hassan, MZ, Das, BC, Mahmud, MS, Amin, MA, Yousuf, MA, et al. Seroprevalence and Detection of Avian Influenza Type A in Ducks at Nikli and Bajitpur Upazila of Bangladesh. J. Vet. Med. 2015. 13(1):11-17.
Hasan, MA, Islam, MA, Mahmud, MS, Uddin, ASMA, Ahmed, S. Microbial analysis of raw and pasteurized milk from selected areas of Dinajpur, Bangladesh. Asian J. Med. Biol. Res. 2015:1(2):292-296.
Khatun, R, Howlader, MAJ, Islam, MN, Alam, MK, Mahmud, MS, Rahman, MH. Exploration the Causes of Infectious Illness and Detection of Antibiotic Residues in Warehouse Poultry. American J. Nutrition and Food science. 2015 May;1(2):52-61.
Salahuddin, M, Sayfullah, M, Rashid, M, Prakash, Sah, JP, Momin, Mahmud, MS et al. Development of Novel HIV Vaccine by Nano-biomaterials. Biochem. Physiol. 2015 June; 4(3): 1-3.
Karim, MR, Mahmud, MS, Giasuddin, M. Epidemiological Study of Bovine Fasciolosis: Prevalence and Risk Factor Assessment at Shahjadpur upazila of Bangladesh. Immunology and Infectious Diseases. 2015 Sep; 3(3):25-29.
Miazi, OF, Miah, G, Hasan, MM, Uddin, MM, Hossain, ME, Mahmud, MS, Ahsan, MF. Mortality of Fayoumi and Sonali Chicks in Scavenging Rearing System. Int. J. of Recent Res. in Life Sci. 2015 July. 2(3): 1-7.
Ullah, SM, Pallab, MS, Uddin, MM, Mahmud, MS, Miazi, OF. Prevalence of Several Diseases in Cattle at Chandanaish, Chittagonj. Sci. Res. J. 2015 Octo:III(X):38-43.
Miazi, OF, Miah, G, Momin, MM, Hassan, MM, Uddin, MM, Hossain, ME, Mahmud, MS and Ahsan, MF. Liveability of Fayoumi and Sonali Chicks in Scavenging Rearing System. Sci. Res. J. 2015 Dce;III(XII):15-19.
Miah, G, Das, A, Bilkis, T, Momin, MM, Uddin, MA, Alim, MA, Mahmud, MS and Miazi, OF. Comparative Study on Productive and Reproductive Traits of Black Bengal and Jamnapari Goats under Semi-Intensive Condition. Scientific Research Journal. 2016 Feb; IV(II):1-7.
Nahar, S, Mahmud, MS, Sultana, Choudhury, SMBK, S. Islam, S. Norovirus Infection in Community Children with Acute Gastroenteritis in Savar Area, Dhaka, Bangladesh. British J. Medi Medical Res. 2016 Jan:16(4): 1-7.
Khatun, R, Ahmed, S, Hasan, MA, Islam, MS, Uddin, ASMA, Mahmud, MS. Value Chain Analysis of Processed Poultry Products (Egg and Meat) in Some Selected Areas of Bangladesh. American Journal of Rural Development. 2016 Jan;4(3): 65-70.
Giasuddin, M, Mahmud, MS, Alam, SMS, Samad, MA, Islam, MR, Ahasan, MD, Rahman, MH et al. Molecular Epidemiology of Foot-and-Mouth Disease Viruses Circulated in Bangladesh from 2011–2014. British Microbiolgy Research Journal, 2016;16(4):1-13.
Khatun, R, Ahmed, S, Hasan, MA, Islam, MN, Uddin, AA, Mahmud, MS. A Baseline Survey on Cattle Imports through Different Peripheral Areas of Bangladesh. American Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 2016;13(6): 1-9
Hossain, ME, Uddin, M, Shil, SK, Mahmud, MS, Islam, KN. Histomorphometrical Characterization of Skin of Native Cattle (Bos indicus) in Bangladesh. American Journal of Medical and Biological Research. 2016; 4(3): 53-65.
Khatun, R, Howlader, MAJ, Ahmed, S, Islam, MN, Hasan, MA, Haider, MS, Mahmud, MS. Impact of Training and Monitoring of Drug Used by Small Scale Poultry Farmers at Different Location of Bangladesh. American Journal of Food Science and Health. 2016; 2(6), 134-140.
Sarif, SMK, Kabir, MH, Sultana, S, Mahmud, MS, Mahjabun, S. Socioeconomic Conditions, Agricultural Practices and Communication Status of the Vulnerable Haor People in Bangladesh. American Journal of Rural Development .2016; 6(3):65-70.
Miazi, OF, Miah, G, Bilkis, Khan, TMKI, Das, A, Momin, MM, Mahmud, MS, Dey, PC. Phenotypic and Reproductive Parameters of Barking Deer Under Management Condition of Chittagong Zoo. International Journal of Genetics and Genomics. 2016; 4(5): 40-44.
Mahmud, MS, Alam, MG, Nahar, S, Hossain, MJ. . Partial Purification and Characterization of Alkaline Protease Enzyme from Pseudomonas aeruginosa for Tannery in Bangladesh. Asian-Australasian Journal of Bioscience and Biotechnology. 2016;1(2): 221-229.
Mahmud, MS, Islam, E, Samad, MA, Karim, MR, Saha, AK, Giasuddin, M. Adaptation of Three Different BLRI Strain (O, A, Asia 1) of Foot and Mouth Disease Virus Serotypes in Baby Hamster Kidney-21 Cell Line. Immunology and Infectious Diseases. 2017 Nov;5(2): 11-15.
Hashem, MA, Islam, MS, Alam, MM, Kabir, MHB, Mahmud, MS. Prevalence and pathological investigations of avian colibacillosis in commercial broiler at Chittagong district in Bangladesh. Asian Australas. J. Biosci. Biotechnol. 2017;2 (2):173-180
Mollah, MAH, Khatun, R, Hawlader, AJ, Ali, Ahmed, MRS, Mahmud, MS, Hasan, MA. Economic Impacts of Using Botanicals Against Rice Weevils Infestation During Storage. Agricultural and Biological Sciences Journal. 2017;3(3):12-27.
Asari, MAMA, Giasuddin, M, Mahmud, MS, Akter, S, Islam, E, Samad, MA, Karim, MR, Dey, SK. (2017). In silico analysis of VP1 gene for prediction of peptide vaccine against three serotypes (O, A & Asia1) of Foot & Mouth Disease Virus circulating in Bangladesh. Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research. 2017; 3(10):208-220.
Islam, MS, Habib, MA, Islam, MR, Mahmud, MS, Saha, PC, Ruba, T, Das, PM Khan, MAH. Clinicopathological Investigation of Foot and Mouth Disease and Serotype Identification of the Viruses in Cattle of Bangladesh. Immunology and Infectious Diseases. 2017. 5(2): 16-23.
Karim, MR, Giasuddin, M, Samad, MA, Mahmud, MS, Islam, MR, Rahman, MH, Yousuf, MA. Prevalence of Salmonellaspp. in Poultry and Poultry Products in Dhaka, Bangladesh. International Journal of Animal Biology. 2017; 3(4):18-22.
Mahmud, MS, Islam, E, Samad, MA, Karim, MR, Giasuddin, M. Biological Assay of Foot and Mouth Disease Virus (FMDV) Serotypes for titrating BLRI developed trivalent FMD vaccines seed. Immunology ang Infe. Dis. 2018 May;6(2): 23-26.
Giasuddin, M, Mahmud, MS, Asari, MAMA, Akter, S. Occurrence of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) during 2014-2016 in cattle of Sirajganj district, Bangladesh. Jahangirnagar University J. Biol. Sci. 2018;6(1):45-49.
Khatun, R, Howlader, AJ, Ahmed, S, Islam, N, Alam, K, Haider, S, Mahmud, MS, Hasan, MA. Validation of the Declared Withdrawal Periods of Antibiotics. Universal Journal of Public Health. 2018; 6(1):14-22.
Mollah, MAH, Hawlader, AJ, Ali, MR, Khatun, R, Ahmed, S, Mahmud, MS, Hasan, MA. Assessment of Technological Knowledge on Pre- and Post-harvest Agricultural Management System and its Economic Impacts in Bangladesh.Universal Journal of Agricultural Research. 2018;6(2):79-90.
Khatun, R, Howlader, MAJ, Ahmed, S, Hasan, MA, Islam, MN, Haider, MS, Mahmud, MS. Quality Assessment of Poultry Farm and Product Processing unit in Different Divisions of Bangladesh. Public Health and Preventive Medicine. 2018; 4(1):1-10.
Kabir, MHB, Sabrin, MS, Islam, M, Alam, MM, Mahmud, MS. Studies on the Degree of Infection of Gastrointestinal Parasites in Cattle at Sher-e-Bangla Nagar Area, Dhaka, Bangladesh. J. of Life Sci. and Eng. 2018; 3(2):39-45.
Mollah, MAH, Hawlader, AJ, Ali, MR, Khatun, R, Ahmed, S, Mahmud, MS, Hasan, MA. Study of Technological Knowledge Perception on Pest Management and Agribusiness Activities in Bangladesh. Food Science and Technology: 2018 6(4);67 80.
Mollah, MAH, Khatun, R, Hawlader, AJ, Ali, MR, Ahmed, S, Mahmud, MS, Hasan, MA. Economic Impacts of Rice Grains Storage Using Fumigants Against Rice Weevils. J. of Plant Sci. and Ecol. 2019; 4(2):8-21.
Kabir, MHB, Islam, KBMS, Islam, Islam, KM, Karim, SJ, Abdullah, SM, Mahmud, MS. Epidemiological Survey on Gastrointestinal Parasitic Zoonosis in Cattle of Sirajganj District, Bangladesh. Int. J. of Pathogen Res. 2019. 2(2):1-10.
Chowdhury, SMZH, Mahmud, MS, Islam, MR, Nazir, KHMNH. Phylogenetic analysis of Black Bengal and Jamnapari goats in Bangladesh based on partial sequence of cytochrome B gene. SAARC of Agriculture. 2019; 17(1): 23-35.
Giasuddin, M. Ali, MZ, Sayeed, MA, Islam, E, Mahmud, MS. Prevalence of Foot and Mouth disease (FMD) in different affected regions of Bangladesh and its economic losses. Ban. of Liv. Res. 2020; 26(1&2):21-33.
Service Experience: (Total length of service: About 18 years)
Farm Executive, Phenix Hatchery Ltd. (6 months)
Community Livestock Officer, Grameen Fisheries and Livestock Foundation. (9 months)
Senior Lecturer, Gono Bishwabidyalay (University of Gono). (7 year’s 1 month)
Senior Scientific Officer, Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute. (5 year’s 3 months)
Senior Scientific Officer, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council. (3 year’s 5 months)
Veterinary Consultant, Adorsho PraniSheba Ltd. (11 months)
Associate Professor, Dept. of Microbiology, University of Gono (Gono Bishwabidyalay) (Running)
By: Nusrat Jahan (Nishu)
Mahmudul Hasan Masud, Md Rezaul Alam, Md Aoulad Hosen , Md Shajadur Rahman, Nusrat Jahan, Md Hasibul Hasan , Raisa Rafia , Sohel Miah, Mohammad Shariful Islam and Nazmi Ara Rumi;Isolation and Identification of Common Food-borne Pathogens from Honey and Determination of Antimicrobial Activity of Honey in Greater Dhaka Region, Bangladesh; Acta Scientific MICROBIOLOGY, Volume 6 Issue 1 January 2023;DOI: 31080/ASMI.2022.06.1184
Anwar Hossain Rana, Palash Bose, Kazi Abdus Sobur, Md. Mosharraf Hossen, Sakib Mowdood, Md. Khaled Hossain, Farzana Afroz, Nazmi Ara Rumi, Mahmudul Hasan, Nusrat Jahan, Atikur Rahman Titas, Md. Aoulad Hosen; Molecular detection and antibiogram profiles of Escherichia coli and Vibrio cholerae isolated from raw vegetables in the northern district of Bangladesh. Journal of Bioscience and Environment Research 1 (1): 26-34. doi:
Mahmudul Hasan Masud, Md. Sajedur Rahman , Nusrat Jahan, Atikur Rahman Titas, Zakaria Ahmed Sany, Fahim Faysal, Umma Hany Sawon; Evaluation of multi-drug resistant isolates associated with clinical infections from two hospitals in the Dhaka region, Bangladesh; Volume : 3, Issue : 2, Year : 2024, Article Page : 114-121,
By: Dr. Rahima Begum
KM M, Ghosh P, Nagappan K, Palaniswamy DS, Begum R, Islam MR, Tagde P, Shaikh NK, Farahim F, Mondal TK. From Gut Microbiomes to Infectious Pathogens: Neurological Disease Game Changers. Molecular Neurobiology. 2024 Jul 5:1-21.
Begum R, Mamun-Or-Rashid AN, Lucy TT, Pramanik MK, Sil BK, Mukerjee N, Tagde P, Yagi M, Yonei Y. Potential therapeutic approach of melatonin against omicron and some other variants of SARS-CoV-2. Molecules. 2022 Oct 16;27(20):6934.
Begum R, Howlader S, Mamun-Or-Rashid AN, Rafiquzzaman SM, Ashraf GM, Albadrani GM, Sayed AA, Peluso I, Abdel-Daim MM, Uddin M. Antioxidant and signal-modulating effects of brown seaweed-derived compounds against oxidative stress-associated pathology. Oxidative Medicine and cellular longevity. 2021 Jul 10;2021.
Bajgai J, Xingyu J, Fadriquela A, Begum R, Kim DH, Kim CS, Kim SK, Lee KJ. Effects of mineral complex material treatment on 2, 4-dinitrochlorobenzene-induced atopic dermatitis-like-skin lesions in mice model. BMC complementary medicine and therapies. 2021 Dec;21(1):1-3.
Rahima Begum, Cheol-Su Kim, Ailyn Fadriquela, Johny Bajgai , Xingyu Jing, Dong-Heui Kim , Soo-Ki Kim, Kyu-Jae Lee. Molecular hydrogen protects against oxidative stress-induced RAW 264.7 macrophage cells through the activation of Nrf2 and inhibition of MAPK signaling pathway. Mol cell toxicol 2020;17
Begum R, Kim CS, Fadriquela A, Bajgai J, Kim SK, Lee KJ. Antibacterial Effects of Hydrogen Water on Human Pathogenic Bacteria. 한국물학회지. 2019 May;7(1):86-.
Rahima Begum, Johny Bajgai, Ailyn Fadriquela, Cheol-Su Kim, Soo-Ki Kim, Kyu-Jae Lee. Molecular hydrogen may enhance the production of testosterone hormone in male infertility through hormone signal modulation and redox balance. Medical Hypotheses 2018; 121, 6-9.
Johny Bajgai, Ailyn Fadriquela, Jesmin Ara, Rahima Begum, Md Faruk Ahmed, Cheol-Su Kim, Soo-Ki Kim, Kwang-Yong Shim, Kyu-Jae Lee. Balneotherapeutic effects of high mineral spring water on the atopic dermatitis-like inflammation in hairless mice via immunomodulation and redox balance. BMC Complement Alternative Medicine 2017; 17: 481.
Rahima Begum, Jesmin Ara, Md Faruk Ahmed, Johny Bajgai, Ailyn Fadriquela, Kyu Jae Lee. Hair Growth Promoting Effects of Mineral-rich Spring Water in SKH-1 Hairless Mice. Korean Journal of Waters 2017; 6(1): 12-19.
Md Faruk Ahmed, Jesmin Ara, Rahima Begum, Ailyn Fadriquela, Johny Bajgai, Kyu Jae Lee. Potential Therapeutic and Preventive Effect of Drinking Hydrogen-rich Water on Acute Fatigue. Korean Journal of Waters 2017; 6 (1): 42-49.
Rahima Begum, Azadul Kabir Sarker, Mohammad Ariful Islam, Md. Khorshed Alam, Md. Kamruzzaman Pramanik. Isolation and characterization of Lactic Acid bacteria from Indeginous Dairy product and preparation of Starter Culture by Freeze-drying. Bioresearch Communications 2017; 03: 01
Rahima Begum, Syeda Tasneem Towhid, Mohammad Moniruzzaman, Zakaria Mia, Mohammad Ariful Islam. Study of Staphylococcus aureus Samples in savar, Bangladesh. Research Journal of Microbiology 2011; 6: 12.
By: Md. Shah Alam
- Ekhlas Uddin, Hossain MD Faruquee, Tanvir Ahammed, Mohammad Khairul Islam Sarkar, Muslima Khatun, MOHAMMAD SHAH ALAM. Partial characterization and purification of protease enzyme from a locally isolated soil bacterium. Basic Research Journal of Microbiology, 2015; 2(3): 45-54.…html
- E. Uddin, M. Rahman, H. M. Faruquee, M. R. I. Khan, T. Ahammed, M. F. Alam, M. S. ALAM, M. K. I. Sarkar. Identification, Partial Purification and Characterization of Protease Enzyme from Locally Isolated Soil Bacterium. American Research Journal of BioSciences, 2015; 1(3): 1-9.
- Manirujjaman M., Amin R., Nahid A. A., ALAM S. Isolation and characterization of feather-degrading bacteria from poultry waste. African Journal of Bacteriology Research, 2016; 5(3): 130-138.
- Tasnuva Akhtar, M. Rowfur Rahman, Sumita Biswas, Rasheda Perveen, M. SHAH ALAM, Farida Adib Khanum, Chaman Ara Keya, M. Manirujjaman. Identification of Microbial Contamination of Popular Fruits of Bangladesh and Assessment the Effects of Alternative Preservatives Instead of Formalin. American Journal of Microbiological Research, 2016; 4(5), 138-142.
- Jahangir Alam, Md. Ekhlas Uddin, Sezanur Rahman, Tasnim Ahmad, Mohammad Reazul Karim, Dr. Mohammad Shakil Mahmood, MOHAMMAD SHAH ALAM, Md. Nazmuzzaman, Md Jakir Hossain, Pulak Maitra, Md. Shariful Islam. Protease activity of the extracellular enzyme produced by B. subtilis isolated from soil. International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology, 2017; 2(1), 382-388.
- Shahen MZ, Mahmud S, Rony MH, Sohana SN, Imran MAS, Al Maruf MA, Azim MAA, Islam MM, Islam MR, Uddin ME, and ALAM MS. Effect of Antibiotic Susceptibility and Inhibitory Activity for the Control of Growth and Survival of Microorganisms of Extracts of Calendula officinalis. J. of Med. and Health Sci. 2019, 1(1), 1–9.
- Nahid SAA, Haque T, Jahan MS, Jahan AA, ALAM MS, Shakib KM, and Roy RC. Assessment, monitoring, and awareness of garment workers regarding the prevalence of tuberculosis in Savar, Dhaka. Eur. J. Med. Health Sci., 2019, 1(5), 30-40.
- Umme Laila Urmi, Shamsun Nahar, Masud Rana, Fahmida Sultana, Nusrat Jahan, Billal Hossain, MOHAMMED SHAH ALAM, Abu Syed Md Mosaddek, Judy McKimm, Nor Azlina A Rahman, Salequl Islam, Mainul Haque. Genotypic to Phenotypic Resistance Discrepancies Identified Involving β-Lactamase Genes, blaKPC, blaIMP, blaNDM-1, and blaVIM in Uropathogenic Klebsiella pneumoniae. Infection and Drug Resistance, 2020: 13, 2863-2875.
- R. Islam, A. Parvin, M.M. Billah, M. Islam, M.A.S. Imran, R.K. Sarkaer, M.E. Uddin, M.S. ALAM, M.Z. Abedin. Assessment of the effect of genetically modified (GM) foods: A brief study on Health and environmental concern. J Matter. Environ. Sci., 2020, 11(10), pp.1676-1688.
- Abu Saim Mohammad Saikat, Shahriar Mahmud, Md. Rasel Hossain, Md. Abu Sayeed Imran, Rabiul Islam, Mohammad Shah Alam, Mahmudul Hasan Masud, Md. Zakerin Abedin, and Md. Ekhlas Uddin*.The anticipation of natural honey in fighting against novel coronavirus: pharmacologic and therapeutical study. Vol. 21 No. 8(1) (2020): December 2020 No.1.
- Abu Saim Mohammad Saikat , Rabiul Islam , Shahriar Mahmud , Md. Abu Sayeed Imran, Mohammad Shah Alam , Mahmudul Hasan Masud And Md. Ekhlas Uddin. Structural and Functional Annotation of Uncharacterized Protein Ncgm946k2_146 of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis: An In-Silico Approach; Abstracts & Oral Presentation in National and International Seminar and Conferences: Proceedings 2020, 66, 13, MDPI. 10.3390/proceedings2020066013
- Abdi Hassen, Rokeya Ahmed, Mohammad Shah Alam, Petros Chavula, Siraj Shek Mohammed, and Abrahim Dawid. The Effect of Feed Supplementation on Cow Milk Productivity and Quality: A Brief Study. Int. J. Agric. Vet. Sci., 4(1), 13-25,2022.
Shamsun Nahar, Umme Laila Urmi1, Tamanna Ali, Adity Rumnaz, Tanjum Ara Haque, Bayasrin Ara, Mohammed Shah Alam, Abu Syed Md. Mosaddek, and Salequl Islam,*ESBL Genes, blaTEM, blaOXA, and blaSHV in Poultry Gut Bacteria: An Endemic Public Health Burden in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Med Res Counc Bull 2021; 47: 165-174. Vol. 47 No. 2 (2021)DOI:
- Shah Alam, and Farhana Islam; Assessment of the Prevalence of Tuberculosis among the High Risk Populations of Bera, Pabna; American Journal of Pure and Applied Biosciences; ISSN: 2663-6913 (Online) & 2663-6905 (Print);
Abstracts & Oral Presentation in National and International Seminar and Conferences:
- Md. Mostafizer Rahman, Jahangir Alam, M.M. Kamal Hossain, Shah Alam. Molecular detection of antimicrobial resistance genes in coli isolated from patients of urinary tract infection. Bangladesh Society of Microbiologists (BSM), Dept. of Microbiology, DU, Dhaka, Abstract ID- 2018-035, March 10, 2018.
- Koishik Ahmed and Shah Alam. Specification Analysis & Bacteriological Quality Assessment of Pharmaceutical Excipients. Department of Microbiology, Gono Bishwabidyalay, Dhaka-1344, Bangladesh. Email.
- Training on Teaching-Learning, Curriculum and Quality Assurance, 5 Days, Organized by HEQUEP UGC, Graduate Training Institute (GTI), BAU, Mymensingh, Bangladesh
Working Experiences:
- I have worked for 6 months as a Sr. Microbiologist in Jano Kallan Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Khilkhet, Uttara, Dhaka, Bangladesh
- I have also worked for 6 months as a Sr. Microbiologist in Hamdard Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Meghna Ghat, Naryangonj, Bangladesh
- I have worked for one year as an Assistant Manager (Microbiologist) in Gaco Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Tejgoan, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Conference/Seminar Attended:
- Seminar on Metabolic Syndrome and Nutrition, Venue: PHA auditorium, Gonoshastaya Kendra, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 28 July 2012.
- National Convention and the scientific session on the improvement of health and socioeconomic status in the peoples of rural areas in Bangladesh, January 25, 2015
- Seminar on Development of waste recycle and management system in Bangladesh, June 15, 2016
- Workshop and Seminar on “Teaching Planning, Learning Assessment and Curriculum” and “Pedagogy and Professional Ethics.” 19-26 August 2017.
- Seminar on “Innovative Solutions on Molecular, Protein & Cell Biology.” Hotel Radisson Blu Dhaka Water Garden, 12 February 2018.
- National Seminar on “Food Safety and Biotechnology: Bangladesh Perspectives” Zahir Raihan auditorium, JU, Savar, Dhaka, 2019.
By: Mahmudul Hasan Masud
- Mahmudul Hasan Masud, Md Rezaul Alam, Md Aoulad Hosen , Md Shajadur Rahman, Nusrat Jahan, Md Hasibul Hasan , Raisa Rafia , Sohel Miah, Mohammad Shariful Islam and Nazmi Ara Rumi;Isolation and Identification of Common Food-borne Pathogens from Honey and Determination of Antimicrobial Activity of Honey in Greater Dhaka Region, Bangladesh;Acta Scientific MICROBIOLOGY, Volume 6 Issue 1 January 2023;DOI: 10.31080/ASMI.2022.06.1184
- Mahmudul Hasan, Md. Khaled Hossain, Nazmi Ara Rumi, Md. Shajedur Rahman and Md. Aoulad Hosen. Isolation and characterization of multiple drug-resistant bacteria from the waste of hospital and non-hospital environments. Asian J. Med. Biol. Res. 2020, 6 (3), 460468; DOI:
- Mahmudul Hasan Masud, Md. Sajedur Rahman , Nusrat Jahan, Atikur Rahman Titas, Zakaria Ahmed Sany, Fahim Faysal, Umma Hany Sawon; Evaluation of multi-drug resistant isolates associated with clinical infections from two hospitals in the Dhaka region, Bangladesh; Volume : 3, Issue : 2, Year : 2024, Article Page : 114-121,
- MR Rahman, N A Rumi1*, MK Hossain, MS Rahman, MG Rahman, MA Hosen, M Hasan. Different Regimes for Challenge Instigation against Newcastle Disease Virus in Layer Birds.Bangladesh Veterinary Journal (2018) 52(1-4):10-21. DOI: 10.32856/BVJ-2018.02.
- Abu Saim Mohammad Saikat1, Shahriar Mahmud, Md. Rasel Hossain, Md. Abu Sayeed Imran, Rabiul Islam, Mohammad Shah Alam, Mahmudul Hasan Masud, Md. Zakerin Abedin, and Md. Ekhlas Uddin7*.ANTICIPATION OF NATURAL HONEY IN FIGHTING AGAINST NOVEL CORONAVIRUS: PHARMACOLOGIC AND THERAPEUTICAL STUDY. Journal of Natural Remedies.Vol. 21, No. 8(1),(2020).
- Abu Saim Mohammad Saikat 1, Rabiul Islam 2,* Shahriar Mahmud 3, Md. Abu Sayeed Imran 3,Mohammad Shah Alam 4, Mahmudul Hasan Masud 4, and Md. Ekhlas Uddin. Structural and Functional Annotation of Uncharacterized Protein NCGM946K2_146 of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis: An In-Silico
Approach. Volume 66. Issue 1. 10.3390/proceedings2020066013. - Md. Abdul Khalek1, Moriom Akter2, Nazmi Ara Rumi3, Md. Shiblee Sadik Sabuj4, Mahmudul Hasan 5, Md. Aoulad Hosen6*. Characterization of Bacteria from Different Street Foods and Their Antibiotic Resistance Profile from different Selected Area in Gazipur, Bangladesh. Annals of R.S.C.B., ISSN:1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 4, 2021, Pages. 7812 – 7821,Received 05 March 2021; Accepted 01 April 2021.
- Md. Aoulad Hosen, Fozol Korim Ovi, Harunur Rashid, MD. Hasibul Hasan, Md. Abdul Khalek, Mahmudul Hasan, Farhana Easmin, Nazmi Ara Rumi, Mohammad Shariful Islam. Characterization of Vibrio spp. in environmental water samples collected from flood-prone areas of Bangladesh and their antibiotic resistance profile. AIMS Microbiology. 2021, Volume 7, Issue 4: 471-480. doi: 10.3934/microbiol.2021028.
- Anwar Hossain Rana, Palash Bose, Kazi Abdus Sobur, Md. Mosharraf Hossen, Sakib Mowdood, Md. Khaled Hossain, Farzana Afroz, Nazmi Ara Rumi, Mahmudul Hasan, Nusrat Jahan, Atikur Rahman Titas, Md. Aoulad Hosen; Molecular detection and antibiogram profiles of Escherichia coli and Vibrio cholerae isolated from raw vegetables in the northern district of Bangladesh. Journal of Bioscience and Environment Research, 2024; 1(1):2634.doi:
Working Experience:
- He worked as an executive microbiologist in Delta Pharma Limited for 1.2 years.
- Project Title: Isolation of Pathogenic Microorganisms from Honey And Antibacterial Activity Test of Honey in Greater Dhaka, Bangladesh Region.
- Project Title: Isolation and characterization of multiple drug resistance bacterial pathogens from wastewater in hospital and non-hospital environments of Dinajpur district.
- Training on Basic Biotechnology (6 days) at the National Institute of Biotechnology (NIB)
- Workshop on Scientific Writing and Publishing; organized by the American Society of Microbiology (ASM).
- Conference on Biosafety & Biosecurity; organized by Bangladesh Biosafety & Biosecurity Association (BBBA).
- 21 days Online International Training cum Orientation Programme entitled “Immunology – A Tool for Disease Management” organized by the Department of Veterinary Microbiology, College of Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry, Mhow (M.P.) from 11th – 31st October 2021.
- Advanced Training on Bioinformatics for Sustainable Development in Agriculture; at BARC from 11th February to 15th February 2024.
By: Najmun Nahar (Study Leave)
- Najmun Nahar, Abu Sufian, Md. Khairul Islam, Humaira Akter .2018.Prevalence of Microbial Loads on
Betel Leaf with Special emphasis on Multidrug Resistance Salmonella spp and its Public Health
Implications. International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology (IJEAB).Vol-3, Issue-5,
Sept-Oct 2018. - Nahar N, Nahar N, Begum A, Akhter H 2017. A Study On the Stress tolerant rhizobia Isolates FromSesbania bispinosa. Biores Comm 4(1),494-499.
- Nahar N, Sultana N. 2017. Prevalence of Multidrug Resistance Salmonella spp on Betel Leaf (Paan) and
Identification of Gross Contamination Site. Journal of Gono Bishwabidyalay, Vol 2. No 1, 93-98. - Mir Salma Akter, Najmun Nahar, Anowara Begum, Humaira Akther (2016).Molecular characterization of
rhizobial isolates from Sesbania bispinosa. Biores Comm 2(1),164-169 - Najmun Nahar, Abu Sufian, Md. Khairul Islam , Humaira Akter. Effect of seasonal variation on microbial
loads of Betel leaf. Asian Federation of Biotechnology (AFOB) Regional Symphosium 2018, Abstract 79,
_of_Betel_leaf. - Nahar N, Nahar N, Begum A, Akhter H.A Study On the Stress tolerantRhizobial Isolates From Sesbania
bispinosa. BSM 30 th Annual Conference 2017, Abstract 112, Page 70. - Mir Salma Akter, Najmun Nahar, Anowara Begum, Humaira Akther (2016).Molecular characterization of
rhizobial isolates from Sesbania bispinosa. BSM International Conference and 29 th Annual General
Meeting,2015,Abstract 113,Page-73.
By: Dr. Farah Zereen (Study Leave)
- Farah Zereen, Soudiya Akter, Md. Abdus Sobur, Muhammad Tofazzal Hossain, Md. Tanvir Rahman. Molecular detection of Vibrio cholerae from human stool collected from SK Hospital, Mymensingh, and their antibiogram.VOL 6, NO. 4, PAGES 451–455, December 2019.
- Rokeya Pervin, Md. Abdur Rahman, Farah Zereen, Rokeya Ahmed, Md. Rezaul Alam. Isolation, Identification and Characterization of Staphylococcus aureus from Raw Milk in Different Places of Savar, Bangladesh. Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) (2019) Volume 48, No 7, pp 1-25.
By: Rokeya Parvin
2. Pervin R, Rahman A, Zereen F, Ahmed R, Alam MR. Isolation, identification and characterization of Staphylococcus aureus from raw milk in different places of Savar, Bangladesh. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research. 2019; 48:1-25.
By: Md. Rezaul Alam
1. Alam R, Khan R, Rahman M, Shaha S. Isolation & Identification of Common Pathogenic Bacteria from three types of Dry Fishes from Greater Savar Region ,Gono University Journal, Reviewed, 2023 ISSN: 2521828X
2. Parvin R, Akter M, Alam R, Black Cumin (Nigella Sativa) seed may possess potent ingredient(s) for antibacterial Activity. Gono University Journal, reviewed, 2023 ISSN: 2521828X
3. Rahman M, Bepari T, Hasan M, Chandra R, Alam R. Review paper: Argument and Contention over the Use of Low-dose Irradiation to COVID-19 Pneumonia. A comprehensive review IJCRT 233797
International Journal of creative research thoughts. Accepted ISSN :2320-2882 (2023)
4. Hasan M, Alam R, Hosen A, Rahman S, Jahan N, Hasan H, Rafia R, Miah S, Islam S and Rumi NA. Isolation and Identification of Common Food-borne Pathogens from Honey and Determination of Antimicrobial Activity of Honey in Greater Dhaka Region, Bangladesh“Acta Scientific MICROBIOLOGY” (ISSN: 2581-3226) Volume 6 Issue 1 January 2023
5. Pervin R, Rahman A, Zereen F, Ahmed R, Alam R. Isolation, Identification and Characterization of Staphylococcus Aureus from Raw Milk in Different Places of Savar, Bangladesh. “International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research” (IJSBAR) Vol. 48 No. 7 (2019) ISSN 2307-4531
6. Helmer E, Alam R, Morin J, “Intracellular signaling pathways Activated by CART peptides in Hippocampal neurons” Long Island University Honors Journal 2004.
7. Helmer E, Alam R, Morin J, “Cocaine and Amphetamine regulated pathway and inhibitors response” Long Island University Honors Journal 2004.
Work Experience
1. Senior officer, Sonali Bank at Babubazar branch, Dhaka 1998-2000
2. Graduate Research Assistant, Long Island University, Dept. of Biology, New York 2001-1003
3. MS Thesis work done at Sackler Institute of Technology, New York under Yemiliya Berman 2003-2004
4. Research Assistant, Department of Dermatology, Case Western Reserve University. 2005-2006
5. Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology, Gono University, 2008-Running
- Member of ORCA: Rajshahi Cadet College
- Member Alumni: University of Dhaka, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Dept.
- Member Alumni: institute of Business Administration, University of Dhaka
- Member Alumni: Long island University, New York, USA
- Member Alumni, Dinajpur Zilla School
- Member Alumni, St Joseph School
Seminar and Conferences Attended:
- Preparation of Improvement Plan. Held on 19.03.2017 at IQAC conference hall, GB
- Teachers and Course Assessment. Held on 13.03.2016 at IQAC conference hall, GB
- Methodology of Self-Assessment report Writing. Held on 07.05.2016 at IQAC conference hall, GB
- Training on Teaching-learning and transferable skills organized by Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC). Held in 2018< GB
- Training on Pedagogy and professional ethics, teaching-learning; curriculum design, Bloom’s taxonomy, co-operative learning, professional development, and good governance organized by Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC). Held in 2017, GB
- Environmental and Ecological Risk Management September 28, 2018 at Nawab Ali Chowdhury Senate Bhaban Auditorium of Dhaka University.
- Implementation of OBE, March 13, 2022 at IQAC conference hall, GB
- Gordon Research Conference, 2004 Reversible Associations in Structure & Molecular Biology, California, USA
- From Egg to Organ: Motors and Motility in Development. Symposium. September 30-October 1, 2002, University of Minnesota, USA Annual Conference of the Bangladesh Society of Microbiologist, held on 10 March, 2018.
- Annual Conference of the Bangladesh Society of Microbiologist, held on 10 March, 2018
- 6th Annual Biosafety Conference Dhaka, Westin Hotel.2017
- International Conference of Biotechnology, February, 2020, University of Dhaka.
- Poster Presentation Long Island University, 2004
- Conference attended in Bangalore, India on 2014.
- International biotechnology seminar, February, 2018, Dhaka University.
- Biofilm and its application, Seminar, Case Western Reserve University, 2005