Nolam, P.O. Mirzanagar via Savar Cantonment, Ashulia, Savar, Dhaka

List of Publication By Shahriar Hassan

  • M. K. Noman, S. M. Shamsul Islam, S. Hassan and R. Pervin, “An Improved Data Aided Channel Estimation Technique Using Genetic Algorithm for Massive MIMO,” 2018 International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Engineering (iCMLDE), Sydney, Australia, 2018, pp. 61-66, doi: 10.1109/iCMLDE.2018.00022.

List of Publication By Umme Farhana

  • Mst. Jannatul Ferdous, Tridib Datta, Umme Farhana, Ovi Akanda “An Improved Prepaid Meter Billing Approach using Mobile Phone”, International Journal of Computer Engineering and Information Technology, VOL. 11, NO. 6, June 2019, 112–118.


  • Umme Farhana, Mst. Jannatul Ferdous, “Improving Motor Imagery EEG Signals Classification Accuracy with CSP by Available Machine Learning Approach”, Journal of Engineering Science, VOL. 12, NO. 02, PP. 66-77, 2021, DOI:


List of Publication By Shelia Rahman (Study Leave)

  • Shelia Rahman, Afroza Sultana, Afsana Islam and Md Whaiduzzaman.”Group Based Resource Management and Pricing Model in Cloud Computing”, In  International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology (IJCSIT),August 2018, Volume 10, Number 4.

List of Publication By Sharif Ahamed

  1. Sharif Ahamed, M. A. Rahman, S. Hassan, T. Akter, M. R. Mia, L Barua, and M. K. Newaz, “Identify Discriminatory Factors of Dhaka to Banglabandha Accidental Fatal Subtypes in Bangladesh using Machine Learning Techniques”, 2022 International Conference on Electronics and Informatics (ICEI), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2023, pp 83.
  2. Lipika Barua, Sharif Ahamed, Md. Atikur Rahman, Md. Rasel Mia, Md. Karam Newaz, “A Comprehensive Study of Different Clustering Algorithms Based on Big Data Analysis”, International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM), Volume 5, Issue 2, February 2023, Page No: 799-806.
  3. Lipika Barua, Md. Atikur Rahman, Sharif Ahamed, Md. Karam Newaz, “Credit Card Application Handling Using Data Mining Technique”, World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews (WJARR), 2023, 17(01), 001-007.
  4. Md. Atikur Rahman, Sharif Ahamed, Md. Rasel Mia, Md. Karam Newaz, “An Android-Based Virtual Doctor System for Improving Access to Medical Consultation”, International Journal Of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education (IJARIIE), Volume 9 Issue 1 2023 Page 1-4.
  5. Z. Loskor and Sharif Ahamed, “Identify Discriminatory Factors of Traffic Accidental Fatal Subtypes using Machine Learning Techniques” International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), 13(2), 2022.
  6. W.Z. Loskor, Sharif Ahamed, Tania Akter, Farzana Tasnim “Study of Control and Autistic Brain Based on Corpus Callosum Analysis” International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 70.2(2022):180-184.
  7. W.Z. Loskor, Sharif Ahamed, “Equilibrium Solution and Error Estimation of a Boltzmann Equation Discretized on a Loosely Coupled Hexagonal Grid” Journal of Xidian University, 15(11),
  8. Wahida Zaman Loskor, Sharif Ahamed, Md. Karam Newaz, Md. Atikur Rahman, “Analysis of Traffic Accident Data of Dhaka-Banglabandha National Highway in Bangladesh using Data Mining Techniques” International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET), Volume 12, Issue 3, March 2021, DOI: 10.34218/IJARET.12.3.2021.059
  9. Tania Akter, Roena Afroze Aenney, Md. Sharif Ahamed, Lipika Barua, Study of Anatomical Structure of Corpus Callosum Differentiate Between Control and Autistic Brain, Journal of Gono Bishwabidyalay, Vol 3, December 2020.
  10. Md Atikur Rahman, Md Karam Newaz, Sharif Ahamed, and Roena Afroze Aenney. “Design and Execution of Automated Sub-Dealer Management System Software.” International Journal of Computer Applications 975: 8887.
  11. Shahriare Satu, Sharif Ahamed, Asive Chowdhury, Md Whaiduzzaman, Factors Analysis of Career Decision Making Difficulties of Adolescents In Bangladesh Applying Regression Techniques, 2nd International Conference on “Electrical Computer and Communication Engineering”, ECCE 2019 (CUET).
  12. Lipika Barua, Sharif Ahamed and Tania Akter. Analyzing Cervical Cancer by using an Ensemble Learning Approach based on Meta Classifier. International Journal of Computer Applications 182(46):29-33, March 2019.
  13. Shahriare Satu, Sharif Ahamed, Faruk Hossain, Tania Akter, Dewan Farid,  Mining Traffic Accident Data of N5 National Highway in Bangladesh Employing Decision Trees, 5th IEEE R10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (HTC),  BUET,  Dhaka, Bangladesh,2017.

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